Browsing Rapporter by Title
Now showing items 1204-1223 of 1971
OA support to PRT Meymaneh
(2011-01-20)FFI has since December 2008 deployed operational analysts to the PRT Meymaneh. This report documents experiences and lessons identified from the first three deployments. The concept for OA support is also described, in ... -
Oasis demonstration - secure information exchange between military and civilian systems
(2009)In the fall of 2008 the FFI project 1086 Secure Pervasive SOA participated in a demonstration during the Oasis final event. Oasis (Open Advanced System for dISaster & emenergency management) was a four year research ... -
Observability at HF direction finding sites of scattering from wind farms - measurements at Smøla 2006
(2006)This report studies, on a general basis, whether wind farms may decrease the accuracy of direction finding systems in the HF (high frequency, 2-30 MHz) band, due to scattering from the wind turbine towers or blades. ... -
Observasjoner hos Fylkesmannen i Nordland under øvelse Trident Juncture 2018
(2020-10-19)Under øvelse Trident Juncture 2018 (TRJE18) var en FFI-forsker observatør hos Fylkesmannen1 i Nordland (FMNO). Formålet med observasjonen var å undersøke problematikk knyttet til ressursprioritering og beslutningsprosesser ... -
Observation modelling and detection probability for space-based AIS reception - extended observation area
(2005)This report evaluates the performance with respect to ship detection probability for a space-based AIS system. The report continues the work of a previous report that studied the ship detection probability for space-based ... -
Okkupasjon for demokrati : krigsmål og fredsutsikter i Afghanistan og Irak
(2004)The report is an analysis of the viability of the war aims for intervention in Afghanistan from 2001 and for the occupation of Iraq from 2003. Based on evidence derived from former experiences with forced regime change, ... -
Om nettbasert fellesoperativ samarbeidslæring mellom krigsskolene - tilbakemeldinger fra kadetter og instruktører
(2014-11-02)Kunnskap om de andre forsvarsgrenene er et område som i liten grad er prioritert i dagens læringsplaner ved krigsskolene, samtidig som kunnskap om, og evnen til, felles samvirke på lavere nivå er en vesentlig evne i ... -
On basic restrictions and maximum permissible exposure limits for non-ionizing radioation
(2013-05-30)The Norwegian Armed Forces follow the guidelines of ICNIRP for occupational exposure to non-ionizing radiation. This is consistent with civil regulations. For the frequencies we are interested in (from 100 kHz to 10 GHz) ... -
On caching in military networks
(2014-01-27)This report presents different approaches to caching, covering existing and suggested solutions for both civil systems and for use within NATO. The idea is to provide an overview of different approaches to caching in the ... -
On growing operating costs in the Armed Forces - a refinement of concepts and estimates of growth in real output unit costs (GROUC) in the Norwegian Armed Forces
(2017-12-08)The growth in unit costs, be it input or output, is often claimed to be higher in the Armed Forces than in the general economy. This growth poses a major challenge to long term defence planning if budgets or ambitions ... -
On the retention and acquisition of cluster munitions
(2009)This report has been written upon request from The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a contribution to the follow-up on the Convention on Cluster Munitions. This convention was signed by more than 90 nations ... -
On the roles and synergies of the service oriented architecture - and the semantic technlogies paradigms in an NNEC context
(2013-01-16)This document compares the Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) with Semantic Technologies with regard to applications within the context of NNEC. We attempt to find out to what degree these two paradigms are overlapping, ... -
Operasjon "Enduring freedom" - noen militær-teknologiske betraktninger om kampene i Afghanistan høsten 2001
(2002)This report discusses selected military technology issues which were important during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan 2001. The main elements pointing toward the future, were the use of UAVs, cruise missiles, ... -
Operasjonalisering av Trekantmodellen 2.0 – anbefalinger for å øke innovasjonsevnen i forsvarssektoren
(2021-06-07)Trekantmodellen har vært en effektiv innovasjons- og samarbeidsmodell for nasjonal teknologi- og materiellutvikling. Norge har også lyktes godt med en nisjebasert tilnærming til nasjonal teknologi- og industriutvikling ... -
Operasjonsanalytiske metoder : sluttrapport fra GOAL
(2009)Operasjonsanalyse (OA) dreier seg om å støtte beslutningstakning ved å utarbeide et godt beslutningsgrunnlag. Det har i de senere år vært et økende tilfang av analyseprosjekter ved instituttet for å støtte beslutningsprosesser ... -
An operational dispersion model for wind over swell seas
(2024-07-04)In this report, we develop an operational contaminant transport model suitable for offshore conditions. Although the model is, in principle, independent of sea state, we expect it to be most useful for swell sea calculations, ... -
Operational METOC models at Norwegian Meteorological Institute (
(2008)The numerical forecasting models run by the Norwegian Meteorological institute ( are crucial in providing meteorological and oceanographic services to the Norwegian armed forces. In this report our goal is to ... -
Operativ bruk av ikke-dødelige våpen
(2003)The report gives a brief introduction to non-lethal weapons in general and FFI's work in the field. This is followed by short descriptions of a number of scenarios suitable for the use of non-lethal weapons. -
Operativ nytte av ensemblevarsling for hav
(2014-06-02)I krigføring under vann er kunnskap om lydutbredelsen viktig, og en riktig beskrivelse av den vertikale lydhastighetsprofilen er essensielt for beregninger av lydutbredelsen. Målte lydhastighetsprofiler vil alltid være ...