Browsing Rapporter by Title
Now showing items 1937-1956 of 1971
Waiting for the next Beslan - Russias handling of major hostage-takings
(2007)Denne studien omhandler Russlands håndtering av fire store gisselaksjoner: Budennovsk (1995), Kizliar/Pervomaiskoe (1996), Dubrovka (2002) og Beslan (2004). I analysen diskuteres det i hvor stor grad håndteringen av disse ... -
Wargaming Taiwan 2027 – konflikten Kina–USA og norsk forsvarsplanlegging
(2024-03-08)Taiwan-spørsmålet er trolig den mest betente uenigheten som kan utløse en militær konflikt mellom USA og Kina. I denne rapporten beskriver vi hva konflikten handler om, og hvorfor den er aktuell akkurat nå. Deretter ... -
A Warming Arctic in a Cold War – consequences of climate change for Norwegian security in the Arctic
(2023-12-13)The heating of the Arctic occurs considerably faster than the global average heating. The security policy consequences of this will be dire, both on the global and regional Arctic level. This report analyses these trends ... -
Warpath ASV – situational awareness for autonomous surface vessels
(2024-10-31)In order to operate in a complex and unpredictable environment, autonomous surface vessels (ASVs) must be able to generate their own situational awareness (SA). Here we present Warpath ASV, a ASV-tailored specialization ... -
The Watermark manual and user's guide - version 1.0
(2016-11-29)Watermark is a benchmark for physical-layer schemes for underwater acoustic communications. It allows researchers and modem manufacturers to develop, test and compare algorithms for the physical layer under highly realistic ... -
Waziristan - impact on the Taliban insurgency and the stability of Pakistan
(2006)This report takes a closer look at the struggles currently taking place in the Federal Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, bordering with Afghanistan. It provides an overview of some of the militant factions who are ... -
"We have some planes..." - luftfarten som terrormål
(2008)Denne rapporten tar for seg luftfarten som terrormål med fokus på trender og utviklingstrekk etter 2001. En kort historisk gjennomgang av terroranslag mot luftfarten og en mer generell diskusjon om luftfartens attraktivitet ... -
Weapons of mass destruction free zones in the Middle East
(2006)The Middle East is the only region in the world where weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have been used after 1945. There have been some efforts to establish weapon of mass destruction free zones (WMDFZ) in the region, but ... -
Weapons of mass instruction? - a preliminary exploration of the link between madrassas in Pakistan and militancy
(2009)This study conducts a preliminary investigation into the link between madrassas in Pakistan and Islamic militancy. Available literature is reviewed and pitted against findings from primary sources – such as interviews, ... -
Web Live, Virtual and Constructive (WebLVC)
(2016-06-18)Det er bestemt at Forsvarets systemportefølje skal følge tjenesteorienterte prinsipper. For å oppnå kostnadseffektiv trening og for å kunne utnytte simulering til støtte i operasjoner er det viktig at simuleringssystemer ... -
Web services and service discovery
(2008)This report is a result of collaboration between the three FFI projects P1086 Secure Pervasive SOA, P1085 SEMANTINI, and P1102 NORMANS R&D. The report describes various requirements that a service discovery solution for ... -
Web services i nettverk med begrenset datarate
(2006)Tjenesteorientert arkitektur (SOA) er identifisert som et av grunnprinsippene for Nettverksbasert Forsvar (NbF), og Web Services er i dag den vanligste teknologien for realisere SOA. Web Services muliggjør interoperabilitet ... -
Web-oriented architecture : network-based defence development made easier
(2009)Information is power. Network-based Defence is about leveraging this power to achieve more effective operations. New technologies are necessary, but so are organisational changes. Web-oriented Architecture (WOA) is an ... -
webSAF - front-end architecture and design
(2020-02-10)webSAF is an easy-to-use, web-based tool for simulation-supported, two-sided wargaming. It consists of a server that communicates with a graphical user interface (GUI) in the browser using WebSocket. It currently has ... -
webSAF -an easy-to-use, web-based graphical user interface for controlling semi-automated forces
(2019-09-16)Ved Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) ser vi på komplekse problemstillinger relatert til krig-føring. Et av spørsmålene vi undersøker, er hvordan stridseffektiviteten i landoperasjoner kan økes. Som en del av dette ... -
What is audio-visual jihadi propaganda? - an overview of the content of FFIs jihadi video database
(2010)This report gives an overview of the content and organization of the database of jihadi propaganda videos compiled by FFI’s Terrorism Research Group. This, in turn, gives an impression of the kind of audiovisual jihadi ... -
When separatists become Islamists : the case of Chechnya
(2004)This report analyses the radicalisation and Islamisation of the Chechen separatist movement. Three developments have contributed to this radicalisation. Firstly, the 1994–96 war in Chechnya resulted in the personal ... -
"When we understand that slide, we'll have won the war" - peace support modelling with the use of the MARVEL tool
(2012-01-15)This report documents a study for the FFI project The Future Land Power, on the modelling of peace and stabilisation operations. The study was carried out in the period from June 2010 to August 2011, in collaboration with ...