Browsing Rapporter by Title
Now showing items 196-215 of 1974
Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from camping stoves
(2010)Small commercially available camping stoves of four different brands (Optimus, MSR, Coleman and Sigg) were examined for carbon monoxide emission. Without a pot placed onto the stove the carbon monoxide production is very ... -
Card GAP test of Comp A-5
(2008)Comp A-5 pressed to 95.4 %TMD (1.702 g/cm3) has been tested in NOL Card Gap test. The transition between no go and go was found to be 222-3 cards or 56.5 mm. This result indicates that Comp A-5 is relatively shock sensitive ... -
Causes of terrorism : an expanded and updated review of the literature
(2005)This report presents a critical survey of the academic literature on the causes of terrorism. The study focuses primarily on theories that seek to explain why some societies are more exposed to terrorism than others, i.e. ... -
Cavity expansion theory applied to the penetration of high speed spheres into weak targets
(2002)As a first attempt at identifying a tissue model for use in wound ballistic simulations a study of the deceleration of spherical steel projectiles in soap has been carried out. Experimental data were compared to numerical ... -
CBRNE Accident Coordination Training (CBRNE-ACT) System – technical description
(2024-10-15)The use of computer simulation and virtual environments allow for cost-effective education, training, and exercises. The training audience can be exposed to scenarios that are inaccessible or too dangerous, too complex, ... -
Cetaceans and naval sonar : the 3S-2009 cruise report
(2009)Forsvaret har utrykt behov for å få kartlagt sjøpattedyrs følsomhet overfor sonarsignaler, også atferdsmessige påvirkninger. 3S-konsortiet, som for tiden består av fire partnere, FFI, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ... -
Change detection in SAR-images from the TerraSAR-X satellite with main focus towards harbors and container terminals
(2013-10-01)The detection of changes or no change in a set of images of the same scene recorded at different times is of importance in many applications. The time scale could be from seconds to days or months. Man-made constructions ... -
Change detection on shipwrecks using synthetic aperture sonar – North Sea Wrecks Task 3.5 Deep Water Case Study
(2022-12-16)During the last 15 years, synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) technology has matured substantially. Today SAS represents state-of-the-art in seabed imaging and mapping when used on autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). SAS ... -
Channel sounding for acoustic communications : techniques and shallow-water examples
(2011-04-11)This report deals with channel soundings, which are measurements of the time-varying impulse response of a propagation medium. The treatment focuses on underwater acoustic channels, the characterization of which is ... -
Characterisation of a munition grade lewisite mixture
(2001)The three compounds trans-lewisite I, all-trans-lewisite II and all-trans-lewisite III have been identified in a munition grade lewisite mixture probably originating from World War II. all-trans-Lewisite II and ... -
Characterization of in-field additively manufactured polymer composites – hot and dusty environment
(2018-05-09)As part of the European Defence Agency (EDA) Operational Budget (OB) study “Additive Manufacturing Feasibility Study & Technology Demonstration” (EDA contract no. 16.ESI.OP.144), in-field 3D printing of objects, i.e. ... -
Characterization of local and global regularity by the continuous wavelet transform, applied to real and synthetic data
(2007)This FFI Report is a reprint, with some minor bug-fixes, of my Cand. Scient. Thesis with the same title at The University of Oslo, Mathematics Department, spring 2006. Some important Theorems regarding the connection ... -
Characterization of M7 propellant properties by closed vessel and calorimeter
(2012-09-25)Two production mixes of M7 propellant for use in M72 –LAW have been tested in closed vessel and calorimeter for determination of any differences with regard to energy content and burning properties. In closed vessel three ... -
Characterization of MCX-6002 and MCX-8001
(2015-11-18)Knowledge about properties of explosive composition is important regardless of the applications. The performance of explosive compositions depends on detonation velocity and detonation pressure. The munition sensitivity ... -
Characterization of MCX-8100
(2015-12-15)Independent of application, certain explosive composition properties are important to know. Performance depends on properties like detonation velocity and detonation pressure. Sensitivity of munitions is dependent on ... -
Characterization of the chemical, biological and radiological environment in the Arctic World Archive
(2022-12-16)This report describes the characterization of the chemical, biological and radiological environment in a decommissioned coal mine (Mine 3) on Svalbard, where the Artic World Archive (AWA), established by Piql and Store ... -
Characterization of the material properties of two FR4 printed circuit board laminates
(2014-01-10)Most printed circuit boards are based on a laminate of weaved glass fiber cloth and epoxy. These laminates have so-called viscoelastic material properties. This means that properties such as elasticity and thermal expansion ... -
Cheetah calculations of GA BAMO candidate compositions
(2015-12-02)Norway’s main objective in the EDA project No B-0585-GEM2-GC “Formulation and Production of New Energetic Materials” was to synthesize different new energetic binders built of GA and BAMO polymers. Before starting ...