Now showing items 928-947 of 1948

    • LYBIN 5.0 : interface description 

      Dombestein, Elin (2009)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Logistic Organisation. The model is used onboard navy vessels as well as in training ...
    • LYBIN 6.0 - user manual 

      Dombestein, Elin; Gjersøe, Amund; Hjelmervik, Karl Thomas; Kloster, Morten (2011-07-18)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN uses a broad set of parameters to accurately calculate the probability of detecting objects in a given area under water with the use of sonar technology. As this probability changes with ...
    • LYBIN 6.0 : test report 

      Bosseng, Morten; Dombestein, Elin; Gjersøe, Amund (2010)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Logistic Organisation. The model is used aboard navy vessels as well as in training situations ...
    • LYBIN 6.1 - user manual 

      Dombestein, Elin; Gjersøe, Amund (2012-10-19)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Logistic Organisation. The model is used aboard navy vessels as well as in training situations ...
    • LYBIN 6.2 - user manual 

      Dombestein, Elin; Ektvedt, Kari Wegger (2014-04-11)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well-established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Logistic Organisation. The model is used aboard navy vessels as well as in training ...
    • LYBIN 6.2 2200 - user manual 

      Dombestein, Elin (2017-02-01)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA). The model is used aboard navy vessels as well as in training ...
    • LYBIN 6.2 2200 – user manual 

      Author::Dombestein, Elin (2017-02-01)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA). The model is used aboard navy vessels as well as in training ...
    • LYBIN 7.0 – user manual 

      Bøhler, Elin Margrethe (2024-01-05)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well-established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA). The model is used aboard navy vessels as well as in training ...
    • LYBIN XML grensesnitt versjon 1 

      Dombestein, Elin; Alsterberg, Svein (2006)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN (1) uses XML text strings to send data into the model and to give out the results from the calculations. This document describes the formats of these XML files. The motivation is to ...
    • LybinCom 6.0 : description of the binary interface 

      Dombestein, Elin; Gjersøe, Amund; Bosseng, Morten (2010-01)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Logistic Organisation. The model is used aboard navy vessels as well as in training ...
    • Lybincom 6.1 - description of the binary interface 

      Dombestein, Elin (2012-08-24)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Logistic Organisation. The model is used aboard navy vessels as well as in training ...
    • LybinCom 6.2 - description of the binary interface 

      Dombestein, Elin (2014-04-11)
      The acoustic ray trace model LYBIN is a well established and frequently used sonar prediction model owned by the Norwegian Defence Logistic Organisation. The model is used aboard navy vessels as well as in training ...
    • Lykkes effektiviseringen? - en analyse av forsvarssektorens ressursbruk 2004-2015 

      Berg, Ida Helene (2016-06-15)
      Forsvarssektoren utfører sine oppgaver innenfor gitte økonomiske rammer. Dette medfører et kontinuerlig behov for kartlegging av utgifter for å sikre at ressursene anvendes på operativ virksomhet. Behovet for frigjøring ...
    • Lønn og inntekt i Forsvaret 

      Hanson, Torbjørn; Lindgren, Petter Y. (2023-06-23)
      Personellet er Forsvarets viktigste ressurs. Hvert år går 45 prosent av driftsbudsjettet i Forsvaret (17 mrd. 2020-kroner) til å rekruttere, beholde, motivere, utvikle og avvikle denne ressursen. Det er organisasjonens ...
    • Makroøkonomiske trender - forsvarsøkonomisk utvikling i et historisk og internasjonalt perspektiv 

      Johansen, Per Kristian; Værholm, Monica (2010)
      Rapporten tar for seg Forsvarets finansielle forutsetninger. Det gjøres først rede for den historiske utviklingen i forsvarsbudsjettets størrelse i nasjonal og internasjonal kontekst. Deretter diskuteres Forsvarets ...
    • Makroøkonomiske trender 2012 - forsvarsøkonomisk utvikling i et historisk og internasjonalt perspektiv 

      Vatne, Dagfinn Furnes (2012-03-12)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg Forsvarets mest sentrale økonomiske forutsetninger. Det gjøres først rede for den historiske utviklingen i forsvarsbudsjettets størrelse i en nasjonal kontekst. Deretter sammenliknes denne ...
    • Makroøkonomiske trender 2015 - utvikling i norsk og internasjonal forsvarsøkonomi 

      Berg, Ida Helene; Kvalvik, Sverre (2015-02-13)
      Formålet med denne rapporten er å bidra til bedre beslutninger i langtidsplanarbeidet i Forsvaret og Forsvarsdepartementet. Dette gjør vi ved å presentere forsvarsbudsjettets historiske utvikling og sammenligne den med ...
    • Makroøkonomiske trender : Forsvaret i en makroøkonomisk ramme 1960-2040 

      Vamraak, Tore; Berg-Knutsen, Espen (2006)
      Economic analysis plays a pivotal role in the Norwegian defence analysis and for the Ministry of Defence’s short- and long-term resource allocation. This report studies the development of the Defence budgets since 1960 ...
    • Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program (MC-LEAP) - a standardized test methodology for dismounted soldier systems applicable for Norway? 

      Heinrich, Daniela (2016-02-05)
      A soldier system is an integrated set of articles/components that soldiers wear, carry, consume or control to strengthen their individual capability and the capability of their fighting unit. The soldier equipment consists ...
    • Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program (MC-LEAP) erfaringer og anbefaling 

      Author::Heinrich, Daniela; Author::Rahbek, Dennis Bo (2017-08-04)
      I mer enn 15 år har det vært et ønske å håndtere og utvikle soldatutrustning i sin helhet, som et system. Et soldatsystem er et integrert sett av artikler og komponenter som soldaten har på seg, bærer, forbruker eller ...