Now showing items 1161-1180 of 1948

    • Norsk kraftforsyning - dagens system og fremtidig utvikling 

      Hagen, Janne Merete; Nystuen, Kjell Olav; Fridheim, Håvard; Rutledal, Frode (2000)
      This report presents a description of the present Norwegian electric power system, as well as a discussion of emerging trends and future developments in this system. The report provides the basis for FFI’s current ...
    • Norsk sjømakt 2030 - globale utviklingstrekk 

      Betten, Stian; Borgen, Per Christian; Knutsen, Bjørn Olav; Aas, Johan; Åtland, Kristian (2011-08-08)
      FFI-prosjektet ”Norsk Sjømakt 2030” (Sjømaktprosjektet) har som ambisjon å bidra til å kartlegge faktorer og sammenhenger som kan tenkes å påvirke sjømaktens anvendelse og anvendelighet i et lengre tidsperspektiv, herunder ...
    • Norsk UAV ressurs - forholdet til NATO AGS 

      Fischer, Karl V. (2002)
      Norway has decided to procure a UAV system. The UAV system may be regarded as a complementary surveillance resource to NATO AGS and possibly to national allied airborne ground surveillance assets like JSTARS. Potential ...
    • Norske eksperters prediksjoner om krigen i Ukraina – hvor godt har de truffet? 

      Wicken, Noah; Beadle, Alexander William (2024-01-19)
      I denne studien undersøker vi norske eksperters evne til å forutsi utviklingen i krigen i Ukraina. Eksperters prediksjoner påvirker befolkningens og beslutningstagernes forventinger om sikker-hetspolitiske spørsmål. Vi har ...
    • Norske interesser og Sjømakt 

      Børresen, Jacob; Helseth, Hans Christian (2011-03-03)
      Formålet med denne delrapporten er å drøfte på hvilke interesseområder norsk sjømakt har innflytelse og hvordan Forsvaret og sjømilitær virksomhet best kan fremme, ivareta og beskytte disse. Rapporten legger følgende ...
    • Northern Optics 2006 - report from the organizing committee 

      Arisholm, Gunnar (2007)
      Northern Optics 2006 (NO 2006) er en felles konferanse for de optiske selskapene i Finland, Sverige, Danmark og Litauen og de fysiske selskapene i Estland, Latvia og Norge. Konferansen fant sted i Bergen 14.-16. juni 2006, ...
    • Norway, NATO and cyber defense 

      Johnsen, Siw Tynes (2014-07-10)
      NATO is the cornerstone of Norwegian security policy, and has in recent years intensified its efforts relating to the cyber domain. Cyber defense has gained increased attention in Norway as well, and the Norwegian Armed ...
    • Norwegian defence reforms of the 1990s 

      Otterlei, Jonny M. (2002)
      This report gives an overview of the Norwegian Defence Reforms of the 1990s focussing on defence concept evolution, the planning process, implementation issues, funding, time horizon for planning and lessons identified. ...
    • Norwegian long-term defence analysis - a scenario- and capability-based approach 

      Vatne, Dagfinn Furnes; Køber, Petter Kristian; Guttelvik, Mona Sagsveen; Arnfinnsson; Brynjar; Rise, Ørjan Rogne (2020-10-21)
      The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) supports the political and military leadership of Norwegian defence in their long-term defence planning. In this report, we describe and review the method FFI uses to ...
    • Not focussing on whether it's a spout or a handle : an anthropological study on even gender balance among conscripts in a Norwegian Air Force battalion 

      Hellum, Nina (2017-05-10)
      The Norwegian Air and Missile Defence Battalion at 138th Air Wing at Ørland airbase was chosen for an experiment between August 2014 and June 2016 on the initiative of the Air Force. Leaders in the Air Force wanted to ...
    • NSAT-1: nye momenter vedrørende kooperative overvåkningssystemer, flerfrekvent sensor samt havbølgers innvirkning på deteksjon og dekning 

      Høye, Gudrun; Eriksen, Torkild; Wahl, Terje; Lyngvi, Aleksander; Narheim, Bjørn T. (2001)
      This report complements the NSAT-1 Phase-A Report with a discussion of three important topics. These are: (1) The emerging cooperative maritime surveillance systems. (2) The possibility of a dual-band NSAT sensor for ...
    • Nuclear weapons capabilities and doctrines in North Korea 

      Author::Kippe, Halvor (2019-02-18)
      Det nordkoreanske atom- og missilprogrammet har hatt en akselerert utvikling under Kim Jong‑un. Vi har undersøkt offisielle nordkoreanske uttalelser om kjernevåpenbruk og analysert dem i en doktrinekontekst. Videre har ...
    • Nuclear weapons – worldwide situation 2021 

      Høibråten, Steinar; Kippe, Halvor; Enger, Elin; Schiller, Andreas (2021-09-14)
      This report is based on open sources and provides an overview of the current status and recent developments in the nuclear weapons arsenals of the world’s nine nuclear-weapon possessing states. The brief sections on each ...
    • Nullutslippsforsvaret – en mulighetsstudie av klimavennlig teknologi for Forsvaret 

      Arnfinnsson, Brynjar; Tønsberg, Even K. (2023-07-05)
      Norge må gjennom en krevende, men nødvendig, omstilling til et nullutslippssamfunn. Olje og gass tar før eller siden slutt, og samfunnet må innrette seg mot nullutslipp så raskt som mulig for å unngå katastrofale ...
    • Numerical modeling of single-layered piezoelectric elements 

      Thorvaldsen, Tom (2007)
      The focus of this report is on numerical simulation of piezoelectric materials. One example of such a material is quartz. By applying a pressure load to a piezoelectric material, electricity is generated – the so-called ...
    • Numerical modelling of short pulse shock initiation of ultrafine Hexanitrostilbene (HNS) 

      Børve, Steinar (2023-09-15)
      The study of short duration shock pulses is relevant in many high-energetic applications. One such application is the initiation of insensitive high explosives, often preferred as booster charges in military and civilian ...
    • Numerical prediction of long-range sound propagation - parametric uncertainty and atmospheric models 

      Waagan, Knut (2014-04-09)
      This short report is concerned with two related subtopics in long-range acoustical noise prediction: Atmospheric modelling and parametric uncertainty. It consists of summaries of recent research articles from the outdoor ...
    • Numerical simulation of light armour piercing ammunition against ceramics 

      Teland, Jan Arild (2005)
      Using the hydrocode Autodyn we perform numerical simulations of penetration into various combinations of ceramic armour and backing material. In particular we look at the penetration performance of two common 7.62 x 51 ...
    • Numerical simulation of light armour piercing ammunition against steel 

      Teland, Jan Arild (2005)
      Numerical simulations using the hydrocode Autodyn of two different armour piercing projectiles are performed against steel and ceramic targets. The results are compared with some experimental data available. A major problem ...
    • Numerical simulations of flow-induced vibrations on Orion P-3C 

      Reif, Bjørn Anders Pettersson; Wasberg, Carl Erik (2003)
      The radome mounted on the Orion P-3C has a significant adverse impact on the performance of the aircraft. Measurements have revealed low-frequency vibrations so severe that operational restrictions have been imposed. ...