Now showing items 1101-1120 of 1948

    • Mono- og bistatisk radartverrsnittsberegnings-program 

      Gundersen, Rune (2002)
      In this report we describe a simulator, which is capable of predicting mono-, bi- and multistatic Radar Cross Section (RCS) of Computer Aided Design (CAD)-generated objects. The model is based on physical optics (PO) and ...
    • MORSK (Modell for Raske Strukturkostnadsoverslag) - dokumentasjon 

      Gulichsen, Steinar; Vamraak, Tore (2003)
      This report describes the model MORSK, which has been developed at FFI for use in defence analysis. The model gives the users almost instantaneous answers to how much the defence structure cost over the period of analysis. ...
    • Mot et NBF også under vann - noen muliggjørende sensor- og kommunikasjonsteknologier - teknologiinnspill til FS 07 

      Knudsen, Tor; Lødøen, Stig E. (2006)
      Network centric warfare has proven itself as one of the most important development military developments in recent years. It is now being introduced in more and more land- and air- equipments and systems. Underwater the ...
    • Motivasjon er ferskvare - en feltstudie på forventninger og motivasjon for tjeneste blant rekrutter på KNM Harald Haarfagre 

      Hellum, Nina (2020-08-20)
      Utsagnet som tittelen viser til – at motivasjon er ferskvare – går ofte igjen blant militært personell. Det betyr at motivasjon for tjeneste ofte er i endring og må holdes ved like. Ulike faktorer spiller inn for å motivere ...
    • Motiver for terroranslag mot norsk oljevirksomhet 

      Kjøk, Åshild (2004)
      This memorandum presents possible motives for terrorism and sabotage against the Norwegian oil industry, and also discusses what tactics and targets would seem more likely. Moreover, the general threat against Norway will ...
    • Mottakerantenner for frekvensbåndet 1 MHz til 30 MHz 

      Prytz, Snorre (2002)
      Several types of antennas for an HF (1 MHZ - 30 MHz) radio intelligence station have been simulated. By dividing the frequency band into two, 1 MHz and 3 MHz to 30 MHz, the required specefication for receving signals over ...
    • Mulige interferenskilder for GPS 

      Øhra, Hans; Kulbotten, Gunnar (2000)
      This report presents possible Norwegian GPS interference sources. A field experiment has been conducted to investigate GPS receivers susceptibility to interference from D-band radars and broadcasting transmitters
    • Mulige russiske reaksjoner på ulike former for NATO-utvidelse 

      Kjølberg, Anders (2002)
      NATO is, for the second time, going to include new members from East-Central Europe. In view of the experiences from the first eastward expansion the possibility of a strong Russian reaction was seen as the main obstacle ...
    • Multi-topology routing - QoS functionality and results from CoNSIS field experiment 

      Brose, Margrete Allern; Hauge, Mariann; Voldhaug, Jan Erik; Sander, Jostein (2013-02-11)
      This report describes the major contributions of FFI project 1175 to the multinational research project CoNSIS (Coalition Networks for Secure Information Sharing). Norway, France, Germany and the United States participated ...
    • Multifunctional numerical tool for penetration analysis 

      Teland, Jan Arild (2002)
      An advanced analytical/numerical tool for calculating penetration of rigid projectiles into various materials is described. The program is based on cavity expansion theory (CET) and is a further development of an earlier ...
    • Multinasjonal logistikk og internasjonalt samarbeid 

      Steder, Frank Brundtland; Kvitrud, Geir (2010)
      Denne rapporten gir grunnlaget for internasjonalt samarbeid og multinasjonal logistikk. Dette omfatter faktorer som spenner over alt fra politiske forhold, via internasjonale avtaler og regelverk, til det å innrette ...
    • Multinett II : SOA and XML security experiments with Cooperative ESM Operations (CESMO) 

      Skjervold, Espen; Johnsen Frank T.; Hafsøe, Trude; Rose, Kjell; Nordbotten, Nils Agne; Lund, Ketil (2008)
      This report describes the activities and experiments performed within FFI project P1086 – “Secure Pervasive SOA” during Multinett II. Multinett II is the largest joint experiment activity ever carried out in Norway. The ...
    • Multiple independent levels of security (MILS) : a high assurance architecture for handling information of different classification levels 

      Gjertsen, Tor; Nordbotten, Nils Agne (2009)
      This report provides an overview of the MILS architecture which is a candidate for high assurance military information systems. Future operational network based concepts set security requirements that are not met by existing ...
    • Multiplikasjonskrets for IEEE-754 flyttall optimalisert for gjennomstrømning 

      Gundersen, Rune; Blom, Harald (2000)
      This report contains a discription of a floting point adder optimized for throughput, rather than latecy. It is confirm with IEEE-754 standard for binary floting—point atrithmetic. The design is fully tested and verified. ...
    • Multispektral kvadratur dopplergenerator 

      Iversen, Alexander (2002)
      Multispectral Quadrature Doppler Generator is a general purpose tool to create multiple Doppler signals. The tool is developed in Microsoft Visual C++ and includes a graphical user interface enabling the user to manually ...
    • Multistatisk CW radar - konsept 

      Johnsen, Terje; Olsen, Karl Erik; Johnsrud, Steinar; Gundersen, Rune; Tansem, Ivar; Sørnes, Per K.; Bjordal, Halvor (2002)
      A technical concept study of digital multistatic radar has been executed in project 726. The concept is based on the use of a number of low cost lightweight transmitters and an advanced high-priced passive receiver unit. ...
    • Nanosatellites in low earth orbits for satellite communications 

      Author::Bråten, Lars Erling; Author::Skauen, Andreas N.; Author::Yusuf, Abdikerim (2018-01-17)
      In this study we consider the feasibility of utilising nanosatellites in low Earth orbits for continuous broadband communications in Norway and the Arctic. The objective was to investigate whether smaller and less costly ...
    • Nanoteknologi - en innføring 

      Rheenen, Arthur D. Van (2005)
      This report provides an introduction to many aspects that are associated with nanotechnology. Generally, it is expected that nanotechnology will find its way into many products, both on the civilian and the military market. ...
    • NATO and the changing nature of the transatlantic security community 

      Knutsen, Bjørn Olav (2007)
      NATOs rolle som både en politisk og en militær allianse har blitt svekket de seneste årene. Den unilateralistiske dreiningen i amerikansk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk, utviklingen av EU i retning av større autonomi i ...
    • NATO armaments ballistic kernel : tilpasninger for bruk i Odin2 

      Haarseth, Egil (2003)
      The NATO Armaments Ballistic Kernel is a sharable software package for NATO. The software package contains functionality to calculate ballistics and firing data for artillery and mortars (ammunition using point mass model ...