Now showing items 469-488 of 1947

    • Evaluering av HF-modemer og flerfrekvenssystemer basert på kanalmålinger på høye breddegrader 

      Bergsvik, Torgeir (1998)
      The high latitude HF channel has been measured and characterised in terms of Doppler spread, delay spread and signal-to-noise ratio. This is done by the Doppler And Multipath Sounding Network developed(DAMSON) by DERA ...
    • Evaluering av RAZOR™-instrument for identifisering av biologiske trusselstoffer 

      Thrane, Ingjerd; Espelund, Mari; Aarskaug, Tone; Blatny, Janet Martha (2013-08-07)
      Ved en biologisk hendelse er det viktig å undersøke tilstedeværelse av biologiske trusselstoffer så raskt som mulig og identifisere dem, samt å avklare om de biologiske trusselstoffene utgjør en reell trussel. PCRteknikken er ...
    • Evaluering av støy fra håndvåpen ved måleanlegget på FFI 

      Huseby, Morten (2015-12-14)
      De ti siste årene har FFI publisert om lag 40 rapporter og artikler om akustisk støy fra våpen. Denne rapporten beskriver metoden vi benytter for å bestemme den akustiske kildestyrken til et våpen. Noe er nytt, men vi ...
    • Evaluering av tre typer autoinjektor-regimer mot nervegassforgiftning 

      Aas, Pål; Enger, Siri; Myhrer, Trond (2011-12-15)
      Forsvaret er utstyrt med akuttmedisinske motmidler som har til formål å redusere skader på mennesker og å øke overlevelse etter nervegasseksponering. Dette er legemidler som skal benyttes både profylaktisk og i oppfølgende ...
    • Evaluering av øvingseffektar : EKOM 2011 

      Brattekås, Kjersti; Hagen, Janne Merete; Sandrup, Therese (2011-08-24)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg evaluering av øvingar med hovudfokus på øvinga EKOM1 2011 som blei gjennomført av Post- og teletilsynet (PT) og ulike tilbydarar av ekomtenestar i april 2011, med støtte frå Forsvarets ...
    • Everything you wanted to know about material testing but were afraid to ask 

      Teland, Jan Arild; Svinsås, Eirik (2003)
      The theory behind various methods of material testing is reviewed. We look in detail at static triaxial testing with a GREAC cell and dynamic testing with the Split Hopkinson Bar and Flyer plate. In particular, we ...
    • Examination of yawed impact using a combined numerical and analytical approach 

      Teland, Jan Arild (2003)
      Performing sensitivity studies using 3D-hydrocodes have normally been an extremely time consuming process and still remains so even though computer speed continues to increase. To overcome this problem, a combined analytical ...
    • Examples of operational capability of NSAT-1 - phase-B report 

      Meland, Bente Jensløkken (2003)
      NSAT-1 is a Norwegian micro satellite primarily for surveillance of the Norwegian waters. Four scenarios are described and simulated to study the coverage and revisit times for NSAT-1. The results shows that the Norwegian ...
    • An execution environment for distributed simulations - collaborative project between FOI and FFI 

      Gustavsen, Richard Moe; Mevassvik, Ole Martin; Hjulstad, Åsmund; Ekløf, Martin (2006)
      This report documents a study performed jointly by Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) and Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) during a period of 9 months from March to November 2005. The work was as a ...
    • Experiences from KFOR 5 and implications for defence planning, national contributions and operational analysis - symposium report - Oslo 16-17 January 2002 

      Otterlei, Jonny M. (2002)
      On 16-17 January 02, FFI hosted a high-level symposium in Oslo on experiences from KFOR 5 and their implications for defence planning, national contributions and operational analysis. The aim was to bring together the ...
    • Experiences from ultrasound testing - Olympus Omniscan MX and DolphiCam CF08/DF16 

      Jones, Tyler P.; Thorvaldsen, Tom (2016-01-08)
      Modern military platforms, such as the NH90 helicopter and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, consist of a large percentage of light-weight materials, such as composites. New materials require new and different techniques ...
    • Experiences with Commander´s Quest 

      Bakken, Bjørn Tallak; Gilljam, Martin (2003)
      This report presents the model “Commander’s Quest”, one of five singular simulation and gaming models within the Minimalist Decision Training (MDT) framework, developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment ...
    • Experiences with Executive Force 

      Gilljam, Martin; Bakken, Bjørn Tallak (2003)
      This report presents the model “Executive Force”, one of five singular simulation and gaming models within the Minimalist Decision Training (MDT) framework, developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) ...
    • Experiences with Vectura 

      Nilsen, Terje; Bakken, Bjørn Tallak (2004)
      This report describes Vectura; the fourth of a total of five system dynamics models in the FFI-project 846 - Implementering av beslutningstrener (BST II). Vectura is a logistics model containing the following aspects: ...
    • Experiment report - SOA pilot 2011 

      Rasmussen, Rolf; Hansen, Bjørn Jervell (2012-02-27)
      The SOA Pilot is an experimental demonstrator developed by FFI in cooperation with NC3A and resources from Norwegian Defence. This report documents the pilot as it was presented in June 2011. The purpose was to show how ...
    • Experiment report: "Ad Hoc Organisation of Picture Compilation and Situation Awareness in NBD" : Battle Griffin 2005 

      Hafnor, Hilde; Hansen, Bjørn Jervell; Langmyr, Anders; Normark, Runar; Rasmussen, Rolf; Rose, Kjell (2005)
      This report presents the results from an exploratory experiment conducted during the NATO exercise Battle Griffin in February/March 2005. The experiment was a part of the Norwegian Armed Forces Concept Development ...
    • Experiment report: "Negotiation Based Resource Allocation" : Battle Griffin 2005 

      Reitan, Bård K.; Enemo, Geir; Bjørnstad, Anne Lise; Hafnor, Hilde (2005)
      This document contains an overall description of the exploratory experiment “Negotiation based resource allocation”, conducted by FFI-project 879 “NBF i operasjoner” in the period March 1-6 2005 during the military exercise ...
    • Experiment report: "Secure SOA supporting NEC" - NATO CWID 2006 

      Rasmussen, Rolf; Eggen, Anders; Hedenstad, Ole-Erik; Haakseth, Raymond; Lund, Ketil; Hadzic, Dinko (2006)
      During NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) 2006 the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) conducted the experiment “Secure SOA supporting NEC”. This document gives an overview of the ...
    • Experiment report: "Semantic SOA" - NATO CWID 2008 

      Hansen, Bjørn Jervell; Halvorsen, Jonas; Kristiansen, Svein Ivar; Rasmussen, Rolf (2008)
      NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) is an annual event focusing on improving the interoperability within the alliance. One of the issues investigated during CWID is the NATO Network Enabled ...
    • Experiment report: "SOA - Cross Domain and Disadvantaged Grids " - NATO CWID 2007 

      Haakseth, Raymond; Gagnes, Tommy; Hadzic, Dinko; Hafsøe, Trude; Johnsen Frank T.; Lund, Ketil; Reitan, Bård K. (2007)
      Våren 2007 deltok til sammen tre prosjekter fra FFI på øvelsen NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) på Jørstadmoen. Deltagelsen var samlet under ett forsøk med navnet ”SOA – Cross Domain and ...