Now showing items 981-1000 of 1948

    • Biotilgjengelighet av tungmetaller fra ammunisjon 

      Voie, Øyvind Albert (2005)
      Bioavailability is an important issue in ecotoxicological risk assessment of contaminated areas. The bioavailable fraction is highly correlated with the solved level of reactive metal (ions). While organic ligands are ...
    • Skipsdeteksjon i SAR data fra sivile radarsatellitter for SATHAV 

      Arnesen, Tonje Nanette; Olsen, Richard (2005)
      Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images with the capability to detect ocean-going vessels have been available since 1991. This report summarizes earlier experiences and gives and overview of new investigations of the ship ...
    • Cetaceans and naval sonar : the 3S-2009 cruise report 

      Kvadsheim, Petter H.; Lam, Frans-Peter; Miller, Patrick; Kleivane, Lars; Alves, Ana Catarina; Antunes, Ricardo; Bocconcelli, Alex; van IJsselmuide, Sander; Olivierse, Marijke; Visser, Fleur (2009)
      Forsvaret har utrykt behov for å få kartlagt sjøpattedyrs følsomhet overfor sonarsignaler, også atferdsmessige påvirkninger. 3S-konsortiet, som for tiden består av fire partnere, FFI, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ...
    • Mechanical testing by uniaxial compressive test of DPX-6 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2007)
      DPX-6 is a press-filled PBX containing HMX and Aluminium powder as the main components. The content of HMX is 50 wt% while the content of aluminium is 45.9 wt%. The last 4.1 wt% is the binder (Hytemp/DOA) of which 73 wt% ...
    • Prosjekt 1013 Vindkraftutbyggingens påvirkning på Forsvarets elektromagnetiske systemet (VINDKRAFT) - sluttrapport 

      Meland, Bente Jensløkken; Øhra, Hans; Høye, Gudrun; Nilssen, Eivind Bergh; Søderblom, Morten; Mjanger, Morten; Otnes, Roald; Kristoffersen, Stein; Sparr, Trygve; Tollisen, Steffen; Storhaug (2007)
      Vindkraftutbyggingen er i full gang – også i Norge. Det har gjennom studier og feltforsøk i flere land vist seg at vindmøller har innvirkning på ulike elektromagnetiske systemer. Dette kommer av at vindmøllene er store, ...
    • Kostnadseffektiv drift av Forsvaret : teoretisk fundament 

      Kvalvik, Sverre; Berg-Knutsen, Espen (2009)
      St.prp. nr. 48 (2007–2008) slår fast at Forsvarssektoren må innrettes slik at den operative virksomheten understøttes på en best mulig måte. Samtidig må driften være helhetlig, rasjonell og effektiv. Helhetlig, rasjonell ...
    • Modellgrunnlag for hærstrukturanalyser - sluttrapport for prosjekt 734 OPKOLA 

      Langsæter, Tor (2001)
      The Norwegian Army has adopted a manoeuvre oriented operational doctrine. It was recognised that FFI had to modernise its inventory of land model-tools, in order to study land warfare under the new doctrine. This is the ...
    • Terror mot jarnvegar : eit oversyn over typiske terroraksjonar mot togpassasjertransport 

      Lia, Brynjar; Nesser, Petter (2005)
      This report describes and categorizes the most typical terrorist attacks against train passengers and the passengercarrying railway systems. Compared to other parts of the civilian infrastructure, including the transportation ...
    • Using Web Services to realize Service Oriented Architecture in Military Communication Networks, published in IEEE Communications Magazine 

      Lund, Ketil; Eggen, Anders; Hadzic, Dinko; Hafsøe, Trude; Johnsen Frank T. (2007)
      En tjenesteorientert arkitektur kan muliggjøre sømløs informasjonsutveksling, og er således viktig for å oppnå selve grunnprinsippet bak Nettverksbasert Forsvar. Web services er i skrivende stund den mest vanlige måten ...
    • Fordamping fra overflater og dråper 

      Busmundrud, Odd (2005)
      Simplified theoretical models for evaporation from liquid surfaces and evaporation from spherical droplets and aerosols have been developed and compared to published models. Laboratory experiments have been performed to ...
    • Forsvarets kostnads- og personellsammensetning (1994-2007) - sentrale utviklingstrekk og utfordringer 

      Steder, Frank Brundtland; Johansen, Per Kristian; Sendstad, Cecilie (2008)
      Helt fra 1994 har Forsvaret vært i en situasjon hvor stadig økte utgifter per årsverk har vært den største bidragsyteren til reduksjon av størrelsen på forsvarsstrukturen, både når det gjelder personell og materiell. ...
    • Blindgjengerfaren i regionfelt Østlandet 

      Dullum, Ove (2005)
      This report contains an assessment of the risk level exposed on civilians hiking in the Firing Range East (Regionfelt Østlandet) which is in the process of being established. The foreseen activity may produce in the order ...
    • Forsvarets miljøregnskap for 2004 

      Christiansen, Magnus; Ringnes, Hege; Longva, Kjetil Sager (2006)
      The implementation of enviromental management in Norweigan Armed Forces was initiated in 1998. By order of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Norweigan Defence Research Establishment (NDRE) deployed an Environmental Management ...
    • Nye kampfly - investerings- og levetidskostnader 

      Pløen, Sven Erik (2005)
      The acquisition of new combat aircraft represents, according to existing plans, the largest investment of the Norwegian Armed Forces in the next decades. Thus, good estimates on the economic consequences of such an ...
    • Operative beslutningsstøttetjenester - fremtid NBF 

      Gagnes, Tommy; Eggen, Anders; Hedenstad, Ole-Erik; Rasmussen, Rolf; Sletten, Geir (2005)
      This report describes a conceptual solution for information and integration services for Command and Control in a short-term view (2008). We have used a long-term vision for 2014 as a basis, and from this derived a ...
    • PCBs oppførsel i luft, vann, jord og sediment 

      Voie, Øyvind Albert (2000)
      The literature on the fate and transport of PCB in air, soil, water and sediment has been reviewed. The sorption of PCB is primarily controlled by the distribution of organic material in soils and sediments. While the ...
    • Russia and the use of force : theory and practice 

      Langsholdt, Morten (2005)
      Under what circumstances does Russia resort to the use of military force? This report examines key aspects of Russia’s use of force since the fall of the Soviet empire. It outlines the relationship between the official ...
    • Vurdering av PCB-forurensning ved ubåtbunkeren i Laksevåg 

      Johnsen, Arnt; Rossland, Helle Kristin; Longva, Kjetil Sager (2005)
      FFI has on assignment from Forsvarsbygg MIKU performed investigations to identify possible leakage of PCB from the old demolished docks at the submarine pen in Laksevåg, Bergen. The focus on this study has been to evaluate ...
    • Ubemannede bakkekjøretøy med sensorpakke - teknologiinnspill til FS 07 

      Eggereide, Bård (2006)
      Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) have become an important resource during the latest wars/conflicts. They have been used to a great extent, especially in Iraq, and particularly in urban terrain, have the unmanned ground ...
    • Bruk av satellittkommunikasjon i Forsvarets taktiske kommunikasjonsnode 

      Arneson, Vegard (2006)
      8) ABSTRACT This report deals with satellite communications for the Norwegian Defence Tactical Communications system. The system has been based on radio links but larger distances between the communications nodes require ...