Ubemannede bakkekjøretøy med sensorpakke - teknologiinnspill til FS 07
Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) have become an important resource during the latest wars/conflicts. They have
been used to a great extent, especially in Iraq, and particularly in urban terrain, have the unmanned ground vehicles been
useful. UGVs can be equipped with several different sensors, ranging from microphones to sensors which detect
explosives or B/C threats. A UGV with an explosive detector could ease and reduce the risk for personnel who search
for IEDs and mines. UGVs are also used by police and military in homeland defence.
Today, the UGVs are relatively small, drives slow and can only be used for short periods. In the near future the speed
will increase and the duration of operation will be extended. Most of the manned vehicle programs to day relay upon
unmanned weapon stations. These weapon stations can also be used on larger unmanned ground vehicles. The weapon
stations can be controlled from e.g. a command post or a manned vehicle.