Now showing items 41-50 of 107
Irak og terrortrusselen - eit oversyn over terrorgrupper med tilknyting til det irakiske regimet
The present report assesses the terrorist threats emanating from the current conflict in Iraq, focusing on terrorist organisations with past and/or present links to the Iraqi regime. Over the years, Bagdad has supported a ...
Russisk nordområdepolitikk etter den kalde krigen : forholdet mellom næringsinteresser og militærstrategiske interesser
This report aims at describing and analyzing important changes that have taken place in Russia’s approach to the
European Arctic after the Cold War, emphasizing in particular the relationship between commercial and ...
Nord-Koreas kjernevåpenprogram
There is little doubt that North Korea has ambitions for developing nuclear weapons. The incidents in the period of
October 2002 and throughout the spring of 2003 have severely strengthened the international community’s ...
Aktuelle motmidler mot hjerneskader ved nervegasseksponering
The potential for exposure to chemical warfare nerve agents exists on the battlefield and as a terrorist threat to civilians.
Nerve agents are irreversible inhibitors of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme and there-by induce ...
FFI - vurdering av omfang og virksomhet - en oversikt over og analyse av FFIs støtte til Forsvarets politiske og militære ledelse i forbindelse med langsiktig planlegging og utvikling av Forsvaret
As a part of the evaluation of FFI, phase two, a working group was established in order to study FFI’s support to Norwegian defence planning. The group had representatives from the Ministry of Defence, HQ Defence Command ...
Dokumentasjon om al-Qaida - intervjuer, kommunikéer og andre primærkilder, 1990-2002
This report is an attempt at gathering all available statements and interviews given to foreign media by Usama bin Ladin and his al-Qa‘ida organization from the early 1990s through 2002. The bulk of this material has been ...
Terror mot drikkevann : en oversikt over terrorgruppers interesse for å ramme offentlig vannforsyning
The present report examines the terrorist threat to Norwegian water supplies. The new threat environment in the post9/11
era is explored and is followed by a global survey of nearly 50 terrorist and sabotage attacks against ...
Romvirksomhet i et europeisk sikkerhetsperspektiv
The main topic of this report is the role of military space systems in the development of a European Security and
Defence Policy. First, a brief overview of the history of European space developments is given. Today's ...
Demonstrator for bildeoppbygging
The report describes a technology demonstrator for maritime command and control, more specifically maritime picture
production. The demonstrator includes legacy command and control information systems and new decision ...
Amerikansk militærteknologi og forholdet til Europa
The topic of this report is the impact of American superiority in military technology on transatlantic relations. First,
the concept of the Revolution in Military Affairs (RAM) is discussed. Then the report outlines the ...