Now showing items 21-30 of 107
Egenskaper til PBXN-109 fremstilt fra forskjellige CXM-7 blandinger
Different qualities of RDX have been tested with regard to shock sensitivity and critical diameter. Tested crystals were
received in form of CXM-7 premixes containing all RDX (mix of class 1 and 5) and approximately 5wt% ...
Direction finding experiment in North Scandinavia
High-frequency (HF) radio wave propagation at high latitudes is greatly affected by geomagnetic and ionospheric
conditions, and both civilian and military users need reliable forecasts of the propagation environment. In ...
A Novel Method of Predicting Site DependentSpecific Rain Attentuation of Millimeter Radio Waves
There is a need for validation and improvement of propagation prediction methods for the safe design and operation of millimeter radio communication systems. At this frequency range, propagation related degradation is ...
Norms: The forgotten factor in Russian-Western rapprochement - a case study of freedom of the press under Putin
The report analyses freedom of the press in Russia as a litmus test of the development of liberal democratic norms under Putin. It addresses both the question of why freedom of the press has deteriorated and what kind of ...
Beskyttelse av samfunnet med fokus på transportsektoren
This report presents the results from the FFI project "BAS4/Measures to reduce vulnerabilities in the transport system".
The main goal of this project is to identify critical vulnerabilities in the transport system, to ...
Medisiner som ikke-dødelige våpen : fentanyl i Moskva
A description of the use of a chemical substance following the hostage taking at the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow on 23
october 2002 is given, based on available public information. An estimate of the necessary amount of ...
EUs "nye" sikkerhetspolitikk: Bekjempelse av terrorisme og internasjonal kriminalitet
This report is devoted to the EU as a comprehensive security policy actor. The aim is to study how the EU approaches
the new threats and challenges facing the western communities and Europe. The analysis emphasises the ...
Når religionen blir truet : årsaker til og konsekvenser av islamistiske gruppers sikkerhetisering av religion
International terrorism is seen as the main threat to international security today, at least in the US. In this report it is
argued that religion is the main driving force for the people behind what normally is called ...
Vurderinger av en K2-struktur ved hjelp av UPTO-modellen - en utarbeidelse av hypoteser fra de ikke-strukturelle perspektiv
Project 807/162 “Battlefield digitisation – consequences for command and operations” (SLADI) aims to address central
consequences of the current and expected future digitisation of various functions in the military ...
Teknologisk fordyrelse i Forsvaret
In KOSTMOD, a long-term defence plan costing tool developed for the Norwegian Defence, annual growth rates (TKF-rates) are applied to current cost estimates to predict future acquisition costs for different equipment ...