Now showing items 11-20 of 107
Overall description of an analysis and simulation tool for acoustic ASW sensors
This report describes the sonar analysis and simulation to be performed by the ASW sonar and combat system
evaluation tool. The tool will be developed in FFI project 849 SIMSON, and will be used in analysis of properties ...
Sluttrapport for prosjekt 766 - Penetrasjon i betong og fjell
The activities within Project 766 – Penetration into concrete and rock are described. The main aim has been to establish
"state-of-the-art" methods for predicting the effect of precision guided missiles against hardened ...
The environmental impact of the sunken submarine Komsomolets
The report is an analysis of the environmental effects of the sunken nuclear submarine Komsomolets. It presents the
facts about the submarine and its nuclear inventory as these were known in 1995 and discusses the ...
SLADI - metoderapport del 2: UPTO - strukturanalysemodellen
Project 807/161 “Battlefield digitisation – consequences for command and operations” (SLADI) has addressed central
consequences of the current and expected future digitisation of various functions in the military ...
Synthetic aperture sonar signal processing : results from INSAS-2000
This report presents signal processing techniques particularly suited for interferometric Synthetic Aperture
Sonar (SAS) systems on-board Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) (or other platforms carrying high
grade ...
Analyse av landoperasjoner og -strukturer : sluttrapport
This report concludes the FFI project 789 “Analyse av landoperasjoner og –strukturer” (LAOS). It gives the background and motivation for the project, and lists its most significant contributions.
During its first phase, ...
AMRISK version 1.2 B : documentation of validation tests
This report contains documentation of the test results for Version 1.2 ß of the ammunition storage risk analysis tool
The AMRISK code is a result of a joint Norwegian-Swedish development of the originally Swiss ...
Modelling of granular materials in the autodyn hydrocode
Two methods for creating a two-component material in Autodyn are described. In the first approach we fill two
separate subgrids with different materials whereas the second method fills one subgrid with two different ...
Prøvetaking av biologiske stridsmidler - deltagelse på SIBCRA-feltøvelse ved Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, USA
FABCS and FFI have participated in a field exercise for sampling of biological warfare agents at Dugway Proving
Ground, Utah, USA. A temporary sampling kit and procedures for sampling of biological warfare agents has ...