Now showing items 31-40 of 107
Detonation transfer : summary report, FFI project 803.03
In connection with the upgrade of AMRISK, a program for risk analysis of ammunition storages, the process of
detonation transfer have been studied. Based on earlier work a model for sympathetic detonation is developed ...
Learning to play Operation Lucid from human expert games
When the number of possible moves in each state of a game becomes very high, standard methods for computer game playing are no longer feasible. We present two approaches to learning to play such a game from human expert ...
Unmanned aerial communications platforms
Communications will be critical in a future defence concept that is based on rapid information gathering, dissemination
and exploitation. All communications platforms will be considered high value targets. Unmanned aerial ...
Utvikling og testing av småskala rakettmotorer for ytelsesmålinger
Equipment consisting of a small scale test-motor and a firing stand has been constructed. During the firing thrust and
chamber-pressure were measured simultaneously. The efficiency parameters specific impulse (Isp), ...
Proposed use of Lybin in project Simson
Previous and present versions of the acoustic ray trace model Lybin are described briefly. The use of Lybin in FFI project Simson can be divided into three categories: simulation of submarine detection coverage, simulation ...
Bruk av sivil satellittkommunikasjon i nettverksbasert forsvar : innledende betraktninger
In a network based defence the military capacities will be connected by using information and communication
technology. The idea is that information superiority can be achieved by maintaining a common situational ...
This report is the result of a study on middleware as being one of the essential concepts in the construction of the information infrastructure for Network Centric Warfare.
The purpose of this report is to elaborate on ...
Interacting multiple model probabilistic data association - en studie av målfølgingsalgoritme for aktiv sonar
This document conducts a study of a target tracking algorithm, based on interacting multiple models in
combination with probabilistic data association, derived, presented and discussed in the UNISON 2005 project.
The ...
Experiences with Commander´s Quest
This report presents the model “Commander’s Quest”, one of five singular simulation and gaming models within the
Minimalist Decision Training (MDT) framework, developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment ...
Dokumentasjon av Vectura : en systemdynamisk modell til støtte for minimalistisk beslutningstrening
This report describes Vectura; the fourth of a total of five system dynamic models in the FFI-project 846 -
Implementering av beslutningstrener (BST II). Vectura is a logistics model containing: Transport, deployment,