Now showing items 71-80 of 107
Dokumentasjon av Executive Force : en systemdynamisk modell til støtte for minimalistisk beslutningstrening
This report describes Executive Force; the third of a total of five system dynamic models in the FFI-project 846 – Implementering av beslutningstrener (BST II). The model presents a holistic view on the forces governing a ...
Dokumentasjon av Commander´s quest : en systemdynamisk modell til støtte for minimalistisk beslutningstrening
This report describes Commander’s Quest; the second of a total of five system dynamic models in the FFI-project 846 –
Implementering av beslutningstrener (BST II). Commander’s Quest is a gaming model for running ...
Erfaringer med AVAL : simuleringsprogram for sårbarhet og våpenvirkning
AVAL is a simulation model for weapon effect and target vulnerability. Basically, it calculates the probability for a
target to get a specific damage when fired upon by a specific weapon. Like every other simulation ...
Innledende kartlegging av alternative plattformer for bruk som elevert kommunikasjonsrele i NbF
This report is a survey over elevated platforms with the purpose to carry communication relays in a network centric
context. The report does not give any conclusions, but is meant to be a foundation for further work and ...
3D terrengmodell generert på bakgrunn av data fra digital bildeanalyse
This report describes a technique for generating a digital terrain model of a given scene. The technique is
based on first estimating the position and distance to parallelograms placed in various parts of the scene
by ...
Numerical simulations of flow-induced vibrations on Orion P-3C
The radome mounted on the Orion P-3C has a significant adverse impact on the performance of the aircraft.
Measurements have revealed low-frequency vibrations so severe that operational restrictions have been imposed. ...
Samfunnsmessige konsekvenser ved transportsvikt
This report scrutinises the impact a serious failure in the transportation system will have on the public community. The
report is part of the project “BAS4 - Measures to reduce vulnerability in the transport sector”.
The ...
Determination of the positions of emitters is an important aspect in electronic reconnaissance and electronic warfare. The growth of the techniques of direction finding has been an evolution from the earliest methods based ...
Ikke-dødelige våpen og internasjonal humanitær rett
This report evaluates the possible use of non-lethal weapons in the light of international treaty law and customary law pertaining to the legality of various kinds of weapons. The purpose is to determine to which extent ...
Risikovurdering av organiske tinnforbindelser i norske fjorder og havner
TBT is a pollution problem along the Norwegian coast. Marine organisms seem to be the most sensible to this environmental pollutant. Effects on the population level have been detected for Dog whelks. There are fjords and ...