Now showing items 91-100 of 107
Standardiseringsarbeid i NATO og IETF innen militær meldingstjeneste og ende-til-ende sikkerhetsløsninger
This report summarises the contribution of the FFI project STAROS in international standardization of Military
Message Handling Systems and related end-to-end security mechanisms. The report describes the involvement in ...
FFI - vurdering av omfang og virksomhet - fase 3 - rådgivning, støtte til materiellanskaffelser og militærteknisk kompetanse
The report outlines the recommendations given by a working group with representatives from the Ministry of Defence,
HQ Defence Command and FFI on FFI’s:
• role as a strategic adviser to the political and military ...
Driftskostnadsvekst i Forsvaret
In long term defence planning it is of vital importance to have knowledge of how the operating costs will evolve over
the period of analysis. This knowledge will help decision makers in planning investment and operating ...
Helse- og miljømessige konsekvenser ved Forsvarets bruk av røykammunisjon med hvitt fosfor
Literature about the toxic, physical and chemical properties of white phosphorus is studied to assess the health and
environmental consequences from the use of white phosphorus ammunition.
Information from the Norwegian ...
Vindkraftverks konsekvenser for Forsvarets installasjoner - innledende studie for radar
This report is an initial study of the possible adverse effect wind farms could have on radar systems. First it gives some
general theory on radar, and compare normal radar targets with the large reflections from the ...
Everything you wanted to know about material testing but were afraid to ask
The theory behind various methods of material testing is reviewed. We look in detail at static triaxial testing
with a GREAC cell and dynamic testing with the Split Hopkinson Bar and Flyer plate. In particular, we ...
Russlands forhold til NATO og EU - på vei mot et sikkerhetsfellesskap?
Russia’s relations with European and Euro-Atlantic institutions have been significantly strengthened since the end of the
post-Cold War period. President Putin’s Western orientation in foreign policy, and NATO’s and the ...
Testing of gun barrel erosion by erosion bomb
The properties of the propellants are one important factor that determine gun barrel lifetime. To be able to study the
propellants influence on the wear of gun barrel have we built test equipment based on a standard closed ...
Tackling terrorism together : potential benefits of civil-military cooperation in post-conflict territories : the Kosovo case
This report explores whether and how civil-military security cooperation in peace operations can be a resource in
counter-terrorism by studying the international presence in Kosovo 1999-2002. The Kosovo terrorism scene ...
Prosedyrer for ytelsestesting av taktiske radiolinjer
The report assembles the test procedures used for performance testing of Band III tactical radio link equipment. The test
procedures were used during the testing of RL equipment from various vendors in conjunction with a ...