Now showing items 31-40 of 865
Ubemannede bakkekjøretøy med sensorpakke - teknologiinnspill til FS 07
Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) have become an important resource during the latest wars/conflicts. They have
been used to a great extent, especially in Iraq, and particularly in urban terrain, have the unmanned ground ...
Analyse av militære ledelsessystemer - en metodeoversikt - sluttrapport for FFI-prosjekt 735.1 "Ledelse og beslutningstrening på operasjonelt nivå"
In the post cold war period, information age has reached the military domain as well as the civilian. However, the cost
of new technology is significant, and the consequences of alternative organisational forms or investment ...
Decontamination of NBC-protective garments - part 3: laundering of NM143 suits and effect of storage conditions
The NM143 NBC-protective suit used by the Norwegian armed forces has been examined with respect to the feasibility of decontamination by laundering, effect of storage conditions and lifetime. Protective properties were ...
Decontamination of NBC-protective garments - part 5: Thermal decontamination of the protective suit NM 143
Thermal decontamination of the NBC-protective suit (NM143) has been studied. The NM143 overgarment consists of a liquid repellant outer layer and an inner layer of activated charcoal fixed on polyurethane foam. Small pieces ...
Målinger av hastighetsfelter i flygenererte virvler nær hus under innflyvningstraseen ved Kjevik flyplass
Winds caused by aircraft generated vortices are measured close to a roof in the approach to Kjevik airport. It is reported that aircraft vortices have caused tiles to fall down from roofs. In this report measurements of ...
Arkitekturar og standardar for drift og styring av kommunikasjonsnett
The report reviews present architectures and standards for network management. It especially investigates the context and structure of management information as well as the information exchange in network management systems ...
Jihadism online - a study of how al-Qaida and radical Islamist groups use the Internet for terrorist purposes
This report offers an analysis of how al-Qaida and likeminded groups use the Internet for terrorist purposes. The
phenomenon, referred to in the report as ‘jihadism online’, has increased dramatically over the past few ...
Effekter av eksplosiver på vannlevende organismer
Grenseverdier for beskyttelse av vannlevende organismer har blitt beregnet for de viktigste
eksplosivene (TNT, RDX, HMX, TNB) og deres nedbrytningsprodukter. Grenseverdiene baserer
seg på akutte og kroniske toksisitetsdata ...
Testing av blindgjengere fra 12,7 mm og 20 mm MP-ammunisjon mot åpen ild - risiko for utilsiktet oppvarming
Gjennom de siste tiårene har MP-ammunisjon i kaliber 12,7 mm og 20 mm blitt mer og mer utbredt i Forsvaret. Denne ammunisjonstypen inneholder en liten, men ikke ufarlig, mengde sprengstoff.
I forbindelse med rydding og ...
Kraftmarkedets føringer for sårbarheten i norsk kraftforsyning
The report examinates the Norwegian electric power supply market with a special focus on vulnerability. Since the 1990
Energy Act deregulated the Norwegian electric power market, the setting for the participants in the ...