Now showing items 1-10 of 98
Termogravimetrisk og dynamisk mekanisk analyse av polymermatriser
In this work improved DMA and TGA methods were developed in order to measure glass transition temperatures and study thermochemical properties of various polymer matrices suited for binders in rocket propellants. Several ...
Dynamic access to shared operational information
A model for the configuration of and access to the common operational picture at a high level of command is described, in the context of Network Centric Warfare. The main focus is on the application that gives the user of ...
When separatists become Islamists : the case of Chechnya
This report analyses the radicalisation and Islamisation of the Chechen separatist movement.
Three developments have contributed to this radicalisation. Firstly, the 1994–96 war in Chechnya resulted in the personal ...
Spredning av hvitt fosfor ved detonasjon av røykgranater med hvitt fosfor : sluttrapport
On assignment from Forsvarsbygg and Hærstaben, FFI has assessed the distribution of white phosphorus from the
detonation of 155 mm and 81 mm smoke rounds.
White phosphorus is a highly toxic material that is noxious to ...
Nato standards for HF communications : an overview and technical description
During the 1990's many STANAG's (Standard Agreements) on HF communications were developed and agreed upon
within NATO. The standards cover the lowest layers of the OSI model containing radio functionality, modem
waveforms, ...
The impact of flow noise on towed and hull mounted acoustical sensors : an introductory study
In this introductory study we have assessed the impact of turbulence generated wall-pressure fluctuations on surfacemounted
acoustical sensors, with a special focus on towed sonar arrays. The main findings are that the ...
Exploratory experiment "Ad Hoc Organization of Picture Compilation" conducted during Blue Game 2004 : evaluation report
In the spring of 2004 the FFI project 898 NBD Decision Support participated in the exercise Blue Game 2004 by
conducting an exploratory experiment concerning ad hoc organization of picture compilation. The overall aim of ...
Langtrekkende presisjonsstyrte våpen : militærteoretiske betraktninger
The security political and military technological development has highlighted the employment of long-range precisionguided
weapons. The use of these capabilities have increased own forces security and reduced collateral ...
Materiellinvestering i Forsvaret : norsk forsvarsindustris rolle (1995-2002)
This report analyses procurement and acquisitions in the Norwegian Armed Forces - Norwegian defence industry's role
1995-2002. The methodology used is firstly, to present the "Industry Perspective"; an up-dated holistic ...
Cyberspace som slagmark : refleksjoner omkring internett som arena for terrorangrep
This report outlines a possible disabling attack against the Internet. The attack is described in scenario terms as an attack
from a hostile group intent on causing severe damage to modern societies world wide. The main ...