Now showing items 1-10 of 105
Utviklingen mot et europeisk marked for forsvarsanskaffelser - implikasjoner for gjenkjøpsordningen
The report focuses on the development towards a European defence equipment market and the implications for offset
practices. Defence procurement falls within the scope of European Community law and is subject to public ...
Testing of the Chemical, Atomic and Toxic compound Surveillance System - CATSS
A first prototype of the Chemical, Atomic and Toxic compound Surveillance System (CATSS) has been developed at
FFI. The prototype has been tested during winter conditions at FFI and has been field tested at Ørland Main ...
Målinger av lydtrykket nær CV90, AGL, 12.7, Rena
Denne rapporten er del av et pågående arbeid for å forbedre Forsvarsbygg sin evne til å evaluere
støynivået rundt skytefelt. Her dokumenterer vi målinger som ble gjort på Rena 11. mai 2006.
Der ble det målt tidsserier ...
Risikovurdering av Forsvarets bruk av hvitt fosfor i Troms
The aim of the report is to unravel potential environmental impacts of white phosphorus (WP) in military training areas
in Troms. Due to contamination of equipment used for analysis of WP in water samples, new samples of ...
Grafiske skytetabeller for 155 mm artilleri
The artillery uses graphical firing tables as backup to determine firing data when the fire control system does not function. Graphical firing tables are easy and quick to use compared to tabular firing tables. The graphical ...
Program for generering av 2D sikkerhetsmaler
A computer program for generating Weapon Danger Areas (2D) is developed. The program is an add-on module to the
cartographic software ArcGIS/ArcView from ESRI. This report documents the algorithms utilized, and demonstrates
how ...
Kostnytteperspektiv på verneplikten og mannskapsproduksjonen i Forsvaret
Endringene i det norske forsvarets rammebetingelser har vært betydelig de siste tiårene, og har samtidig påvirket grunnlaget for verneplikten. Prinsippet om allmenn verneplikt har hatt en viktig posisjon i utformingen av ...
Simuleringsmetoder innen operasjonsanalyse : en oversiktsstudie
Simulation is an important method in the field of operational research (OR). This report gives an introduction to
simulation, explaining the terminology in use. Four main categories of methods are described: a) Static ...
Environmental risk assessment for non-defuelled, decommissioned nuclear submarines
The report is a reprint of a subset of the results of a 1998 NATO Pilot Study. Possible accident scenarios involving
decommissioned nuclear submarines are discussed. Criticality accidents are found to be the potentially ...
Characterization of local and global regularity by the continuous wavelet transform, applied to real and synthetic data
This FFI Report is a reprint, with some minor bug-fixes, of my Cand. Scient. Thesis with the same title at
The University of Oslo, Mathematics Department, spring 2006.
Some important Theorems regarding the connection ...