Browsing Rapporter by Author "Eggereide, Bård"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Analysestøtte til militære operasjoner : utvalgte miljøer og en mulig norsk tilnærming
Marthinussen, Elin; Eggereide, Bård; Sendstad, Cecilie (2008)Gjennom operasjonsanalyse (OA) anvendes vitenskapelige metoder til støtte i beslutningsprosesser, noe som kan dras nytte av både ved planlegging og gjennomføring av militære operasjoner. En rekke nasjoner og NATO benytter ... -
Faryab survey - wave 4
Eggereide, Bård; Marthinussen, Elin (2012-03-08)The Faryab Survey wave 4 was conducted in October 2011. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in co-operation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab Survey - wave 5
Eggereide, Bård; Barstad, Andreas (2012-10-10)Wave 5 of the Faryab Survey was conducted in April and May 2012. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in co-operation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab Survey - wave 6
Eggereide, Bård; Martinussen, Svein Erlend; Marthinussen, Elin; Barstad, Andreas (2012-12-17)Wave 6 of the Faryab Survey was conducted in October/November 2012. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in co-operation with the Norwegian-led ... -
Faryab survey : wave 1
Marthinussen, Elin; Rutledal, Frode; Eggereide, Bård; Hennum, Alf Christian (2010)The Faryab Survey Wave 1 was conducted late April 2010. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in cooperation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab survey : wave 2
Marthinussen, Elin; Rutledal, Frode; Eggereide, Bård; Hennum, Alf Christian (2010)The Faryab Survey Wave 2 was conducted October/November 2010 by the agency Afghan Center for Socio-Economic and Opinion Research (ACSOR). The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence ... -
Faryab survey wave 8 : a year after the redeployment of Norwegian forces from Faryab
Marthinussen, Elin; Nordli, David; Eggereide, Bård (2014-01-24)Wave 8 of the Faryab Survey was conducted in October 2013. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in cooperation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab Survey wave 9 - two years after the redeployment of Norwegian forces from Faryab
Marthinussen, Elin; Eggereide, Bård (2015-06-09)Wave 9 of the Faryab Survey was conducted in October 2014. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in co-operation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab Survey – wave 3
Eggereide, Bård; Marthinussen, Elin (2011-05-31)The Faryab Survey wave 3 was conducted in April 2011 by the agency Afghan Center for SocioEconomic and Opinion Research (ACSOR). The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research ... -
Militærteknologiske betraktninger om stabiliseringsfasen i Irak
Eggereide, Bård; Hansen, Annika; Wahl, Terje (2004)A brief review is given on the stabilisation and reconstruction phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom, with a special focus on the main challenges in these operations, the weapons used against coalition troops, coalition ... -
Ny militær ordning : en analyse av ulike tilnærminger til ordningen
Strand, Kari Røren; Gisnås, Hallvar; Eggereide, Bård; Reitan, Joachim; Hennum, Alf Christian; Kvalvik, Sverre; Pay, Jan H. (2016-08-19)Denne rapporten dokumenterer FFI-prosjektet Strategiske personell- og kompetanseanalyser sin støtte til Forsvarsdepartementet i arbeidet med Utredning av personellordninger, herunder befalsordningen. Vi har bidratt med ... -
OA support to PRT Meymaneh
Gulichsen, Steinar; Marthinussen, Elin; Eggereide, Bård (2011-01-20)FFI has since December 2008 deployed operational analysts to the PRT Meymaneh. This report documents experiences and lessons identified from the first three deployments. The concept for OA support is also described, in ... -
Pensjonskostnader i forsvarssektoren - overslagsberegninger av "usynlige" kostnader for forsvarssektorens personell
Hove, Kjetil; Åmot, Elisabeth Lindseth; Eggereide, Bård (2016-01-17)Forsvarssektorens pensjonskostnader bæres i dag langt på vei av folketrygden og av Statens pensjonskasse, uten at Forsvarsdepartementet behøver å betale. I forbindelse med en kommende revisjon av pensjonssystemet i ... -
Rammeverk for framdriftsvurderinger knyttet til norsk støtte i Faryab-provinsen i Afghanistan
Hennum, Alf Christian; Eggereide, Bård; Rutledal, Frode; Marthinussen, Elin (2011-01-14)Denne rapporten presenterer utviklingen av et rammeverk for å måle utviklingen i samfunn der det internasjonale samfunn intervenerer. Arbeidet er rettet inn mot å studere Faryab i Afghanistan fordi det er her Norge har ... -
Tek 14: Operasjon "Iraqi Freedom" : militærteknologiske betraktninger om kampene i Irak våren 2003
Eggereide, Bård; Berger, Tor; Johansen, Iver; Wahl, Terje; Aabakken, Ola (2003)This report discusses selected military technology issues that were important during Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq 2003. The main elements pointing toward the future, were the use of UAVs, cruise missiles, precision ... -
TEK14: Militærteknologiske trender : oversiktsrapport 2004
Eggereide, Bård; Kråkenes, Tony; Meland, Bente Jensløkken; Schjelderup, Tor-Erik; Wahl, Terje (2005)This report gives a broad overview of important military technology trends in the Western World, as a basis for further work on possible future development paths for the Norwegian armed forces. Both platforms, communications, ... -
Tek14: stridskjøretøy for framtida : oversikt over utvalde utanlandske program
Eggereide, Bård (2004)This report gives a brief overview of several combat vehicle programs for the future. Both vehicles on the brink of service and combat vehicle programs under development for later introduction are discussed. Some general ... -
Ubemannede bakkekjøretøy med sensorpakke - teknologiinnspill til FS 07
Eggereide, Bård (2006)Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) have become an important resource during the latest wars/conflicts. They have been used to a great extent, especially in Iraq, and particularly in urban terrain, have the unmanned ground ... -
"When we understand that slide, we'll have won the war" - peace support modelling with the use of the MARVEL tool
Fridheim, Håvard; Eggereide, Bård (2012-01-15)This report documents a study for the FFI project The Future Land Power, on the modelling of peace and stabilisation operations. The study was carried out in the period from June 2010 to August 2011, in collaboration with ...