Now showing items 1613-1632 of 2875

    • Modelling of granular materials in the autodyn hydrocode 

      Olsen, Åge Andreas Falnes; Teland, Jan Arild (2003)
      Two methods for creating a two-component material in Autodyn are described. In the first approach we fill two separate subgrids with different materials whereas the second method fills one subgrid with two different ...
    • A modelling study of the flow pattern in a rotating drum for aerosol aging 

      Reif, Bjørn Anders Pettersson; Wingstedt, Emma M. M.; Pedersen, Kristin (2009)
      Aerosols are small droplets or particles suspended in a gas and they can contain microorganisms or other harmful substances. It is therefore of great importance to gain more knowledge about them, for example their survival ...
    • Modelling the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites using interphase models 

      Thorvaldsen, Tom (2015-06-15)
      This report describes mathematical modelling of the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites, which in this context is referred to as particles of nano-size included in a polymer matrix, i.e. particles with one dimension of ...
    • Modelling the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites using the Mori-Tanaka method 

      Thorvaldsen, Tom (2015-06-19)
      This report describes mathematical modelling of the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites, which in this context is referred to as particles of nano-size included in a polymer matrix, i.e. particles with one dimension of ...
    • Modelling the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites using three-phase models 

      Thorvaldsen, Tom (2015-06-15)
      This report describes mathematical modelling of the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites, which in this context is referred to as particles of nano-size included in a polymer matrix, i.e. particles with one dimension of ...
    • Modelling the thermal signature of natural backgrounds 

      Olsen, Frode Berg; Gamborg, Marius (2002)
      A model for calculation of surface temperatures of different background elements like edge of forest, heather, rock and gravel has been developed. The model is based on a simple mathematical description of the physical ...
    • Models for predicting impact sensitivity of energetic materials based on the trigger linkage hypothesis and Arrhenius kinetics 

      Jensen, Tomas Lunde; Moxnes, John Fredrik; Unneberg, Erik; Christensen, Dennis (2020)
      In order to predict the impact sensitivity of high explosives, we designed and evaluated several models based on the trigger linkage hypothesis and the Arrhenius equation. To this effect, we calculated the heat of detonation, ...
    • Modenhet for kunstig intelligens i forsvarssektorens støttevirksomhet 

      Waage, Kristin; Hemnes, Petter Fredrik (2024-03-13)
      Kunstig intelligens (KI) blir omtalt både som en av de viktigste teknologiene for digital trans-formasjon og som en teknologi som vil forandre – eller til og med revolusjonere – forsvars- og sikkerhetsdomenet. Militære ...
    • Modenhetsanalyse for forbedring og effektivisering i forsvarssektoren 

      Author::Lien, Brage; Author::Halvorsen, Ola Krogh; Author::Kristiansen, Svein Tore (2020-07)
      I Langtidsplanen for forsvarssektoren 2021–2024 legges det opp til at etatene i forsvarssektoren skal realisere om lag 1,9 mrd. kroner. For å identifisere hvilke grep og endringer etatene må ta for å realisere disse ...
    • Modern mobile platforms from a security perspective 

      Mancini, Federico (2016-05-02)
      Commercial mobile technology has transformed the way we produce and consume information. Smart devices like phones, tablets, watches and even TVs, are all the time inter-connected through networks. These devices are ...
    • Moderne løsninger for management av sammensatte kommunikasjonsinfrastrukturer 

      Author::Mykkeltveit, Anders; Author::Fongen, Anders (2020-08-13)
      Forsvaret er i økende grad avhengig av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi (IKT) for å få utført sine oppdrag. For at IKT-tjenester skal virke, må det finnes en kommunikasjonsinfrastruktur som står for overføring ...
    • Moderne tekniske hjelpemidler for oppklaring og varsling i Hæren 

      Roderburg, Karl; Eggestad, Magne; Lillesæter, Olav; Mortensen, Andreas (1965)
    • Modernisering av Multilateral Interoperability Programme 

      Sletten, Geir (2013-10-04)
      Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) er et internasjonalt samarbeid for å oppnå interoperabilitet mellom operative informasjonssystemer for kommando og kontroll. Norge har vært medlem av MIP siden 2002. ...
    • MODITIC - large-eddy simulations of dense gas dispersion in urban environments 

      Eriksson, Daniel; Osnes, Andreas N.; Parmhed, Oskar; Wingstedt, Emma M. M.; Leroy, Guillaume (2016-10-13)
      The European Defence Agency (EDA) project B-1097-ESM4-GP “MOdelling the DIspersion of Toxic Industrial Chemicals in urban environments” (MODITIC) (2012 – 2016) has studied the release and transport of neutral and non-neutral ...
    • MODITIC - report on source term modelling 

      Burkhart, Stephane; Björnham, Oscar; Vik, Thomas; Leroy, Guillaume (2016-10-13)
      The European Defence Agency (EDA) project B-1097-ESM4-GP “MOdelling the DIspersion of Toxic Industrial Chemicals in urban environments” (MODITIC) has in the period from 2012 to 2016 studied the release and transport of ...
    • MODITIC - Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations of dense gas dispersion in urban environments 

      Burkhart, Stephane; Burman, Jan; Eriksson, Daniel; Wingstedt, Emma M. M. (2016-10-13)
      The European Defence Agency (EDA) project B-1097-ESM4-GP “MOdelling the DIspersion of Toxic Industrial Chemicals in urban environments” (MODITIC) (2012 – 2016) has studied the release and transport of neutral and non-neutral ...
    • MODITIC - simulation report on operational urban dispersion modelling 

      Burkhart, Stephane; Gousseff, Arnaud; Tørnes, John Aasulf; Björnham, Oscar (2016-09-20)
      The European Defence Agency (EDA) project B-1097-ESM4-GP “Modelling the DIspersion of Toxic Industrial Chemicals in urban environments” (MODITIC) has from 2012 to 2016 studied the release and transport of neutral and ...
    • MODITIC : modelling the dispersion of toxic industrial chemicals in urban environments 

      Endregard, Monica; Burkhart, Stephane; Burman, Jan; Gentilhomme, Olivier; Robins, Alan; Wingstedt, Emma M. M.; Reif, Bjørn Anders Pettersson; Persson, Leif; Brännström, Niklas; Parmhed, Oskar (2016-10-13)
      The main objective of the MODITIC (Modelling the disperison of toxic industrial chemicals in urban environments) project is to enhance our fundamental understanding of the physical processes and the associated challenges ...
    • MODITIC wind tunnel experiments 

      Robins, Alan; Hayden, Paul; Wingstedt, Emma M. M. (2016-10-13)
      The European Defence Agency (EDA) project B-1097-ESM4-GP “MOdelling the DIspersion of Toxic Industrial Chemicals in urban environments” (MODITIC) (2012 – 2016) has studied the release and transport of neutral and non-neutral ...