Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1011-1030 of 2965
A game-theoretic methodology integrating weapon and C2 contribution to force effectiveness
(2000)The effect of C2 on force effectiveness is given substantial attention over the last decades. However, analysts are still struggling to reflect this effect. This paper presents a methodology that reflects the contribution ... -
Gap test experiments used to study the sensivity of granular explosives
(2004)Explosives are widely used in medium to large calibre projectiles to increase the damage on a target. The ammunition produced by Nammo Raufoss, has superb qualities concerning penetration and fragmentation in a target. ... -
Gasshastighet og trykk i en rakettmotors dyseutløp : beregninger og målinger
(2004)The pressure ratio, k, between the nozzle exitplane and the motorchamber, and the gas velocity at the nozzle exitplane, has been calculated. The results have been used to create propellant composition dependent expressions ... -
GC-MS investigation of VX stored in a steel container
(2007)En stålcontainer med innhold av det kjemiske stridsmidlet VX har vært lagret i mer enn 40 år ved FFI ved -18 °C. Innholdet ble analysert ved hjelp av GC-MS med hensyn på VX og VX nedbrytningsforbindelser i både EI- og CI ... -
Generalization and stabilization of exact scattering solutions for spherical symmetric scatterers
(2022-08-29)In a previous work the authors described a fast high-fidelity computer model for acoustic scattering from multi-layered elastic spheres. This work is now extended with a scaling strategy significantly mitigating the problem ... -
Generalized Periodic Vehicle Routing and Maritime Surveillance
(2019-11-18)Planning maritime surveillance activities in military operations and long-term defense planning is a huge task that is done manually today. Because maritime surveillance resources are extremely expensive, the potential ... -
Generalizing the Black and Scholes Equation Assuming Differentiable Noise
(2024-10-09)This article develops probability equations for an asset value through time, assuming continuous correlated differentiable Gaussian distributed noise. Ito’s (1944) stochastic integral and a generalized Novikov’s (1919) ... -
Generating Random Earthquake Events for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment
(2016)To perform probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for subduction zone earthquakes, it is necessary to start with a catalog of possible future events along with the annual probability of occurrence, or a probability ... -
Generation of 1.5-octave intense infrared pulses by nonlinear interactions in DAST crystal
(2015)Infrared pulses with large spectral width extending from 1.2 to 3.4 μm are generated in the organic crystal DAST (4-N, N-dimethylamino-4'-N'-methylstilbazolium tosylate). The input pulse has a central wavelength of 1.5 μm ... -
Generative Adversarial Immitation Learning for Steering an Unmanned Surface Vehicle
(2020-02)The task of obstacle avoidance using maritime vessels, such as Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV), has traditionally been solved using specialized modules that are designed and optimized separately. However, this approach ... -
Genetic characterization of trh positive Vibrio spp. isolated from Norway
(2013)The thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) and/or TDH-related hemolysin (TRH) genes are carried by most virulent Vibrio parahaemolyticus serovars. In Norway, trh+ V. parahaemolyticus constitute 4.4 and 4.5% of the total number ... -
Genetic distribution of 295 Bacillus cereus group members based on adk-screening in combination with MLST (Multilocus Sequence Typing) used for validating a primer targeting a chromosomal locus in B. anthracis
(2007)The genetic distribution of 295 Bacillus cereus group members has been investigated by using a modified Multilocus Sequence Typing method (MLST). By comparing the nucleic acid sequence of the adk gene fragment, isolates ... -
Genome Editing for Soldier Enhancement – trends and implications
(2020-10-22)This memo explores the emerging field of genome editing technology for soldier enhancement and maps out some possible applications of the technology and implications for military operations. -
Genotyping of B. licheniformis based on a novel multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) scheme
(2012)Background Bacillus licheniformis has for many years been used in the industrial production of enzymes, antibiotics and detergents. However, as a producer of dormant heat-resistant endospores B. licheniformis might ... -
Geografisk fordeling av sivile ressurser for forsvaret av Norge
(2023-12-12)En stadig mer usikker sikkerhetssituasjon har ført til økt oppmerksomhet på forsvaret av Norge, og med det Forsvarets avhengighet av sivil støtte. FFI har i lengre tid pekt på at denne avhengigheten har økt i takt med ... -
Geografisk mobilitet blant militært personell – en spørreundersøkelse om betalingsvillighet for pendling og flytting
(2022-08-31)Norsk sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitikk har som mål å håndheve norsk suverenitet, sikre den territorielle integriteten og beskytte myndigheter og samfunn. Med stormakten Russland som nabo i nord, lang kyst og store havområder, ... -
Geolocation and Stereo Height estimation Using TerraSAR-X Spotlight Image Data
(2011)We have studied the geographic position of several high-resolution spotlight TSX images by investigating the location of deployed radar corner reflectors. Results show that the geolocation accuracy is better than the ... -
Geomagnetic noise suppression in Overhauser magnetometer data - a comparative study
(2007)In this report we investigate data from three scalar Overhauser magnetometers w.r.t noise suppression. We use remote reference methods with and without filters, and obtain suppressions in the order of respectively 17-38dB ... -
German-Norwegian relations in security and defence? What kind of partnership?
(2021-03-17)The article contributes to the debate on European defence cooperation and integration by analysing the German–Norwegian security and defence partnership. I define this partnership as being based upon mutual interests and ...