Now showing items 2087-2106 of 2965

    • Quality and equipment considerations in humanitarian demining 

      Haugstad, Bjarne (2001)
      Simple arguments show that the commonly adopted UN requirement (99,6%) of mine clearance is too low for realistic situations if mines in a cleared region shall not be the leading cause of death also after demining. It ...
    • Quality aspects of Web services 

      Johnsen Frank T.; Bloebaum, Trude H.; Brannsten, Marianne R. (2012-12-14)
      This report is a compilation of published papers which cover aspects related to Web services quality. Quality-of-Service (QoS) is often said to deal with the properties of a system that address non-functional requirements. ...
    • Quality of Service considerations for Network Based Defence 

      Johnsen Frank T.; Hafsøe, Trude; Lund, Ketil (2007)
      Denne rapporten diskuterer konsepter, og fokuserer på applikasjonsnivåløsninger som vil være nødvendige bestanddeler av Nettverksbasert Forsvar (NbF) i framtiden. Vi fokuserer på tjenestekvalitet (Quality of Service), og ...
    • Quantification of aerosol dispersal from suspected aerosol-generating procedures 

      Strand-Amundsen, Runar James; Tronstad, Christian; Elvebakk, Ole; Martinsen, Tormod; Dybwad, Marius; Lingaas, Egil; Tønnessen, Tor Inge (2021-12-06)
      Background Oxygen-delivering modalities like humidified high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) and noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIV) are suspected of generating aerosols that may contribute to transmission of disease ...
    • Quantifying the negative impact of breaking internal waves on interferometric synthetic aperture sonar 

      Hansen, Roy Edgar; Lyons, Anthony P.; Cook, Daniel A.; Sæbø, Torstein Olsmo (2018)
    • Quantifying the tracking capability of space-based AIS systems 

      Skauen, Andreas Nordmo (2016)
      The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) has operated three Automatic Identification System (AIS) receivers in space. Two are on dedicated nano-satellites, AISSat-1 and AISSat-2. The third, the NORAIS Receiver, ...
    • Quantum chemical methods for high-energy materials - estimating formation enthalpies, crystal densities and impact sensitivities 

      Kjønstad, Eirik Fadum (2014-12-15)
      A preliminary investigation of quantum chemical methods for the calculation of formation enthalpies, crystal densities, and impact sensitivities is presented. In particular, all calculations presented are density functional ...
    • The Queen Bees and the Women's Team - A contextual examination of enmity and friendship between military women 

      Rones, Nina; Steder, Frank Brundtland (2018)
      In several studies of women in the Norwegian Armed Forces, we have found an assertion that female groups are so riddled with conflicts and enmity that it is preferable to keep women few in number and mixed up ...
    • Radar Attenuation in the Shallow Martian Subsurface: RIMFAX Time-Frequency Analysis and Constant-Q Characterization Over Jezero Crater Floor 

      Eide, Sigurd; Casademont, Titus; Berger, Tor; Dypvik, Henning; Hamran, Svein-Erik; Shoemaker, Emileigh S. (2023-04-16)
      Attenuation of radar waves in the subsurface can be quantified with a constant-Q approximation through time-frequency analysis. We implement the centroid frequency-shift method and study Radar Imager for Mars' Subsurface ...
    • Radar i APS-systemer 

      Kvifte, Lars (2003)
      FFI-project 798, “Anti-Armour Weapons beyond 2000” has performed a study on active protection systems (APS). As part of this work, this report discusses the performance of radars. First the report presents requirements ...
    • Radar imager for Mars’ subsurface experiment—RIMFAX 

      Hamran, Svein-Erik; Paige, David A.; Amundsen, Hans E. Foss; Berger, Tor; Brovoll, Sverre; Carter, Lynn; Hanssen, Leif; Dypvik, Henning; Eide, Jo; Eide, Sigurd; Ghent, Rebecca; Helleren, Øystein; Kohler, Jack; Mellon, Mike; Nunes, Daniel C.; Plettemeier, Dirk; Rowe, Kathryn; Russell, Patrick; Øyan, Mats Jørgen (2020-11-03)
      The Radar Imager for Mars’ Subsurface Experiment (RIMFAX) is a Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 mission’s Perseverance rover, which is planned to land near a deltaic landform in Jezero crater. RIMFAX will add a ...
    • Radar sensitivity to human heartbeats and respiration 

      Aardal, Øyvind; Brovoll, Sverre; Paichard, Yoann; Berger, Tor; Lande, Tor Sverre; Hamran, Svein-Erik (2015)
      Human heartbeats and respiration can be detected from a distance using radar. This can be used for medical applications and human being detection. It is useful to have a system independent measure of how detectable the ...
    • Radar trusel varsler for F-5 jagerfly 

      Bugge-Asperheim, Per (1972)
    • Radaravbildning av mål i bevegelse (ISAR) - teori, metoder og signalprosessering 

      Korsbakken, Erik; Hamran, Svein-Erik; Sparr, Trygve (2000)
    • Radardekning med ulike refraktivitetsprofiler i et maritimt miljø 

      Østenstad, Petter (2008)
      Sjøforsvaret har anskaffet nye fregatter og missiltorpedobåter med avanserte radarsystemer. For å kunne utnytte disse sensorene optimalt, er meteorologisk informasjon en avgjørende faktor. Per i dag gjøres det ikke målinger ...
    • Radardekningssimulator - fysikk 

      Olsen, Karl Erik (2002)
      Project 726 has developed a multistatic radar coverage prediction tool for frequencies above 100MHz. Various physical effects such as reflection, diffraction, refraction, attenuation due to precipitation and atmospheric ...
    • Radardeteksjon av UVA under interferens fra vindturbiner 

      Author::Johnsen, Terje; Author::Finden, Erlend; Author::Torvik, Børge (2018-12-14)
      Økt nasjonal vindkraftutbygging har ført til nye konsesjonssøknader der Forsvaret er en viktig høringsinstans. For Forsvaret er det derfor relevant med mer kunnskap om hvordan vindturbiner påvirker radarytelse. Denne ...
    • RADARSAT-2 new modes 

      Hannevik, Tonje Nanette (2012-07-10)
      RADARSAT-2 has provided new and better opportunities for spaceborne monitoring of vessel traffic and fishing activities because of better flexibility in choice of resolution, polarisation and look direction. Due to user ...
    • Radikal islamisme i Pakistan og Kashmir - fra lokal til global jihad 

      Bokhari, Laila (2005)
      This study surveys the different radical Islamic groups operating in the Pakistani/Kashmiri geographical context. It aims at providing an overview of the groups themselves and the historical and political context in which ...
    • RADIKALISERING – En studie av mobilisering, forebygging og rehabilitering 

      Author::Sandrup, Therese; Author::Weiss, Nerina; Author::Skiple, Alida; Author::Hofoss, Espen (2018-09-14)
      Å forebygge radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme. Vold som virkemiddel for å fremme politiske, ideologiske eller religiøse mål bryter med grunnleggende verdier. Det truer den enkeltes og samfunnets sikkerhet. Terrorangrep, ...