Browsing by Title
Now showing items 188-207 of 2965
Bacterial Brain Abscesses Expand Despite Effective AntibioticTreatment: A Process Powered by Osmosis Due to NeutrophilCell Death
(2023-12-12)BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: A bacterial brain abscess is an emergency and should be drained of pus within 24 hours of diagnosis, as recently recommended. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated whether delaying ... -
Bakgrunn og problemstillinger for FFI-prosjekt 797 Bakkebasert luftvern
(2001)The aim of FFI-project 797 - “Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) System” is to analyse cost effectiveness of alternative future SHORAD/MSAM concepts in support of a development and acquisition process in the Norwegian Defence ... -
Bakgrunnsstudie til metode for identifisering ig rangering av kritiske samfunnsfunksjoner
(2007)Denne rapporten er en bakgrunnsstudie til BAS5-prosjektets rapport om en metode for å identifisere og rangere kritiske samfunnsfunksjoner og IKT-systemer. Den ivaretar behovet for dokumentasjon for metoderapporten, og ... -
BAKTRAK: Backtracking drifting objects using an iterative algorithm with a forward trajectory model
(2012)The task of determining the origin of a drifting object after it has been located is highly complex due to the uncertainties in drift properties and environmental forcing (wind, waves, and surface currents). Usually, the ... -
Balansegang når mye står på spill - en case-studie om rådgivere i joint targeting
(2018-11-22)Joint targeting er stabsprosessen som skal sikre sammenheng mellom operasjonens målsettinger og militære virkemidler. I henhold til Nato-doktrine skal rådgivere delta i prosessen, men hvordan deltar de i praksis? Hensikten ... -
Band structures and Z2 invariants of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers from fully relativistic Dirac-Kohn-Sham theory using Gaussian-type orbitals
(2023-06-02)Two-dimensional (2D) materials exhibit a wide range of remarkable phenomena, many of which owe their existence to the relativistic spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effects. To understand and predict properties of materials ... -
Bandwidth optimizations for standards-based publish/subscribe in disadvantaged grids
(2012)NATO has identified Web services as a key enabler for its network enabled capability. Web services facilitate interoperability, easy integration and use of commercial off-the-shelf components, and while request/response-based ... -
Barents-2.5km v2.0: an operational data-assimilative coupled ocean and sea ice ensemble prediction model for the Barents Sea and Svalbard
(2023-09-22)An operational ocean and sea ice forecast model, Barents-2.5, is implemented for short-term forecasting at the coast off northern Norway, the Barents Sea, and the waters around Svalbard. Primary forecast parameters are sea ... -
Base defence demonstration at Trident Juncture 2018 – TACT unmanned systems for base and force protection
(2019-09-16)Trident Juncture 2018 (TRJE18) var en høyprofilert militærøvelse i Norge høsten 2018. Sammen med NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) arrangerte Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) en stor arena for demonstrasjoner ... -
BASE: Probably a Better Approach to Visual Multi-Object Tracking
(2024)The field of visual object tracking is dominated by methods that combine simple tracking algorithms and ad hoc schemes. Probabilistic tracking algorithms, which are leading in other fields, are surprisingly absent from the ... -
Bataljonsinvestor 2000 - brukerveiledning
(2000)This document is the user manual for ”Bataljonsinvestor 2000”, a computerized decision making game and exercise model. The game puts a decision maker in charge of allocation decisions in the Army in order to balance the ... -
Batallion Investor - user manual
(2007)Dette dokumentet er brukermanualen for ”Battalion Investor”, et datastyrt beslutningsspill og treningsmodell. Spillet setter deg i ansvar for allokeringsavgjørelsene i Hæren, slik at du skal balansere størrelsen av ... -
(Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2005)Intet varer evig, ei heller tørrbatterier. De dør under lang lagring. Forsvaret skal til enhver tid ha på lager nok tørrbatterier for å tilfredsstille behovet for å kunne drive batteridrevet sambandsutstyr et visst antall ... -
Battlefield Management Systems for Hærens manøveravdelinger : sluttrapport for BMS-arbeidet under FFI-prosjekt 1019 - TEKNISK
(2009)Denne rapporten er en sluttrapport for BMS-aktiviteten i FFI-prosjekt 1019, TEKNISK. Vi har i prosjektet lagt hovedvekt på å studere operativ nytte av mulige fremtidige BMS-funksjoner. For dette formålet har vi utviklet ... -
A Bayesian Network Approach to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Modern Mine Hunting
(2021-10-29)This paper describes a novel technique for estimating how many mines remain after a full or partial underwater mine hunting operation. The technique applies Bayesian fusion of all evidence from the heterogeneous sensor ... -
Bayesian seabed classification using angle-dependent backscatter data from multibeam echo sounders
(2014)Acoustical seabed classification is a technology for mapping seabed sediments. Processed multibeam sonar data yield the variation of the seabed scattering strength with incidence angle, and this paper examines the effect ... -
Beam shaping of high power laser diode bars
(2001)A technique for reshaping the highly astigmatic beam from a high-power laser diode bar by use of two parallel mirrors is studied theoretically and experimentally. It is found that the output from the 1 µm x 1 cm laser ... -
Beamforming of synthetic target signal acquired by the Atlantis PCL system
(2016-09-20)The passive coherent location system, Atlantis, is a test bed for digital beamforming at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). The system has functionality for real time direction of arrival (DoA) estimation. ... -
Bedre samarbeid – læringspunkter fra Forsvarsmateriells strategiske samarbeid med Teleplan Globe
(2024-12-02)Strategisk samarbeid med norsk forsvarsindustri skal styrke forsvarssektorens tilgang til materiell, tjenester og kompetanse. I denne rapporten analyserer vi et strategisk samarbeid mellom Forsvarsmateriell (FMA) og ...