Browsing by Title
Now showing items 185-204 of 2889
Bacterial Brain Abscesses Expand Despite Effective AntibioticTreatment: A Process Powered by Osmosis Due to NeutrophilCell Death
(2023-12-12)BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: A bacterial brain abscess is an emergency and should be drained of pus within 24 hours of diagnosis, as recently recommended. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated whether delaying ... -
Bakgrunn og problemstillinger for FFI-prosjekt 797 Bakkebasert luftvern
(2001)The aim of FFI-project 797 - “Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) System” is to analyse cost effectiveness of alternative future SHORAD/MSAM concepts in support of a development and acquisition process in the Norwegian Defence ... -
Bakgrunnsstudie til metode for identifisering ig rangering av kritiske samfunnsfunksjoner
(2007)Denne rapporten er en bakgrunnsstudie til BAS5-prosjektets rapport om en metode for å identifisere og rangere kritiske samfunnsfunksjoner og IKT-systemer. Den ivaretar behovet for dokumentasjon for metoderapporten, og ... -
BAKTRAK: Backtracking drifting objects using an iterative algorithm with a forward trajectory model
(2012)The task of determining the origin of a drifting object after it has been located is highly complex due to the uncertainties in drift properties and environmental forcing (wind, waves, and surface currents). Usually, the ... -
Balansegang når mye står på spill - en case-studie om rådgivere i joint targeting
(2018-11-22)Joint targeting er stabsprosessen som skal sikre sammenheng mellom operasjonens målsettinger og militære virkemidler. I henhold til Nato-doktrine skal rådgivere delta i prosessen, men hvordan deltar de i praksis? Hensikten ... -
Band structures and Z2 invariants of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers from fully relativistic Dirac-Kohn-Sham theory using Gaussian-type orbitals
(2023-06-02)Two-dimensional (2D) materials exhibit a wide range of remarkable phenomena, many of which owe their existence to the relativistic spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effects. To understand and predict properties of materials ... -
Bandwidth optimizations for standards-based publish/subscribe in disadvantaged grids
(2012)NATO has identified Web services as a key enabler for its network enabled capability. Web services facilitate interoperability, easy integration and use of commercial off-the-shelf components, and while request/response-based ... -
Base defence demonstration at Trident Juncture 2018 – TACT unmanned systems for base and force protection
(2019-09-16)Trident Juncture 2018 (TRJE18) var en høyprofilert militærøvelse i Norge høsten 2018. Sammen med NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) arrangerte Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) en stor arena for demonstrasjoner ... -
Bataljonsinvestor 2000 - brukerveiledning
(2000)This document is the user manual for ”Bataljonsinvestor 2000”, a computerized decision making game and exercise model. The game puts a decision maker in charge of allocation decisions in the Army in order to balance the ... -
Batallion Investor - user manual
(2007)Dette dokumentet er brukermanualen for ”Battalion Investor”, et datastyrt beslutningsspill og treningsmodell. Spillet setter deg i ansvar for allokeringsavgjørelsene i Hæren, slik at du skal balansere størrelsen av ... -
(Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2005)Intet varer evig, ei heller tørrbatterier. De dør under lang lagring. Forsvaret skal til enhver tid ha på lager nok tørrbatterier for å tilfredsstille behovet for å kunne drive batteridrevet sambandsutstyr et visst antall ... -
Battlefield Management Systems for Hærens manøveravdelinger : sluttrapport for BMS-arbeidet under FFI-prosjekt 1019 - TEKNISK
(2009)Denne rapporten er en sluttrapport for BMS-aktiviteten i FFI-prosjekt 1019, TEKNISK. Vi har i prosjektet lagt hovedvekt på å studere operativ nytte av mulige fremtidige BMS-funksjoner. For dette formålet har vi utviklet ... -
A Bayesian Network Approach to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Modern Mine Hunting
(2021-10-29)This paper describes a novel technique for estimating how many mines remain after a full or partial underwater mine hunting operation. The technique applies Bayesian fusion of all evidence from the heterogeneous sensor ... -
Bayesian seabed classification using angle-dependent backscatter data from multibeam echo sounders
(2014)Acoustical seabed classification is a technology for mapping seabed sediments. Processed multibeam sonar data yield the variation of the seabed scattering strength with incidence angle, and this paper examines the effect ... -
Beam shaping of high power laser diode bars
(2001)A technique for reshaping the highly astigmatic beam from a high-power laser diode bar by use of two parallel mirrors is studied theoretically and experimentally. It is found that the output from the 1 µm x 1 cm laser ... -
Beamforming of synthetic target signal acquired by the Atlantis PCL system
(2016-09-20)The passive coherent location system, Atlantis, is a test bed for digital beamforming at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). The system has functionality for real time direction of arrival (DoA) estimation. ... -
Behavior of captive herring exposed to naval sonar transmissions (1.0-1.6 kHz) throughout a yearly cycle
(2012)Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, is a hearing specialist, and several studies have demonstrated strong responses to man-made noise, for example, from an approaching vessel. To avoid negative impacts from naval sonar ... -
Behavioral changes following PCB 153 exposure in the Spontaneously Hypertensive rat - an animal model of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder
(2014)Background Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder affecting 3-5% of children. Although ADHD is highly heritable, environmental factors like exposure during early development to various ...