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Now showing items 808-827 of 2965
A factual clarification and chemical-technical reassessment of the 1921 Oppau explosion disaster - the unforeseen explosivity of porous ammonium sulfate nitrate fertilizer
(2016-10-04)The Oppau factory was a chemical production facility constructed by the leading German chemical company BASF in the time period shortly before the First World War. The facility was located along the river Rhine, a few ... -
Faen, jeg skulle blitt grenader, vært litt Johnny Enkeltmann før jeg tok det videre – motivasjonsfaktorer, rekruttering, seleksjon og bibeholdelse av grenaderer og befal i Hæren
(2019-01-22)Denne studien er en del av et tverrfaglig arbeid hvor FFI har sett på førstegangstjenesten som rekrutteringsbrønn for videre karriere i Forsvaret. Gjennom 2 feltarbeid og 53 semistrukturerte intervjuer, i tillegg til ... -
Failures in Ukrainian Arms Procurement 2014-2023 The Negative Effects of Limited Access Orders (LAOs) on National Security
(2024-07-15)This article discusses critical failures in Ukrainian defense production and procurement in the period 2014 to 2023. The main puzzle is why Ukraine did so little to satisfy the needs of the country’s armed forces in essential ... -
Fallout in Norwegian milk in 1959
(1960) -
Falske nyheter som sjanger
(2019-06-04)Falske nyheter blir i økende grad ansett som et sikkerhetspolitisk anliggende. Dette fordrer forskning på spørsmål som hva falske nyheter er, og hvorfor de etterligner nyhetssjangeren. Hvorfor anvendes falske nyheter som ... -
Faryab survey - wave 4
(2012-03-08)The Faryab Survey wave 4 was conducted in October 2011. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in co-operation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab Survey - wave 5
(2012-10-10)Wave 5 of the Faryab Survey was conducted in April and May 2012. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in co-operation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab Survey - wave 6
(2012-12-17)Wave 6 of the Faryab Survey was conducted in October/November 2012. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in co-operation with the Norwegian-led ... -
Faryab survey : wave 1
(2010)The Faryab Survey Wave 1 was conducted late April 2010. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in cooperation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab survey : wave 2
(2010)The Faryab Survey Wave 2 was conducted October/November 2010 by the agency Afghan Center for Socio-Economic and Opinion Research (ACSOR). The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence ... -
Faryab survey wave 8 : a year after the redeployment of Norwegian forces from Faryab
(2014-01-24)Wave 8 of the Faryab Survey was conducted in October 2013. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in cooperation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab Survey wave 9 - two years after the redeployment of Norwegian forces from Faryab
(2015-06-09)Wave 9 of the Faryab Survey was conducted in October 2014. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in co-operation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ... -
Faryab Survey – wave 3
(2011-05-31)The Faryab Survey wave 3 was conducted in April 2011 by the agency Afghan Center for SocioEconomic and Opinion Research (ACSOR). The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research ... -
Fast and robust image processing algorithms based on approximations to order statistics
(2018)A test system with four cameras in the infrared and visual spectra is under development at FFI (The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment). The system can be mounted on a high speed jet aircraft, but may also be used ... -
Fast heating tube test of MCX-6100 - EMTAP 41 Test
(2017-02-24)During STANAG 4170 qualification of the MCX-6100 composition the EMTAP 41 fast heating tube test has been carried out. Two of the seven tested tubes produced three and two fragments respectively during reaction and have ... -
Fast heating tube test of MCX-8100 EMTAP 41 Test
(2017-05-10)The EMTAP 41 fast heating tube test has been carried out during STANAG 4170 qualification of MCX-8100. Seven tubes have been tested and all open up by a burning or degree 1 reaction with no fragmentation. The recovered ... -
FASTmap: A Multi-Layer Sliding Gridmap for Arbitrary Types
(2022-06-20)This report presents the Fixed Area Sliding Template map (FASTmap), a versatile and efficient C++ mapping framework for storing arbitrary and heterogeneous data types in a sliding grid map. The framework was first developed ... -
Fatah al-Islam in Lebanon: Between global and local Jihad
(2007)Denne rapporten tar for seg den militante sunniekstremistiske gruppen Fatah al-Islam (FAI), som ble dannet i det nordlige Libanon i november 2006. Rapporten stiller fire hovedspørsmål: Hvordan oppsto Fatah al-Islam og dets ... -
Får sårbare grupper hjelpen de trenger ved CBRN-hendelser?
(Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2023-03)Noen mennesker er spesielt sårbare ved kjemikalieulykker, branner og andre katastrofer. Likevel vet vi lite om hvilke behov de har, og disse gruppene er sjelden inkludert i planlegging og øvelser. Kjemiske, biologiske, ...