Now showing items 1801-1820 of 1948

    • Simulation architectures and service-oriented defence information infrastructures - preliminary findings 

      Hannay, Jo; Bråthen, Karsten; Mevassvik, Ole Martin (2013-08-30)
      In line with strategic decisions, the Norwegian Armed Forces’ systems portfolio should be developed in terms of service orientation: Software should be organized in parts so as to be presented as services which can be ...
    • Boko Haram - an overview 

      Oftedal, Emilie (2013-05-31)
      This report is a study of the militant Islamist group Jama`at Ahl al-Sunna li al-Da`wa wa al-Jihad, popularly known as Boko Haram. The report provides an overview of the emergence, ideology, and organization of Boko ...
    • Analysis of the Stuhmiller blast injury model 

      Teland, Jan Arild; Skriudalen, Stian (2013-06-04)
      The Stuhmiller model for blast wave injury has been studied. Although it has not been documented well in literature, we were able to program the model in Matlab and study some of its properties. It turned out that the ...
    • Autonomous battalion simulation for training and planning integrated with a command and control information system 

      Alstad, Anders; Løvlid, Rikke Amilde; Bruvoll, Solveig; Nielsen, Martin Normann (2014-01-13)
      Current Command and Staff training uses simulation systems that consist of computer generated forces in combination with human operators. The human operators receive high level tasks (e.g. company level) as input, transform ...
    • Violent islamism in Turkey - an overview 

      Østereng, Trine (2013-04-02)
      This report is a preliminary study of violent Islamism in Turkey, intended to serve as a starting point for future research. It surveys the existing literature, traces the broad historical trends, and profiles the main ...
    • A new beginning - the Faryab survey in post-ISAF climate (Wave 7) 

      Marthinussen, Elin; Nordli, David (2013-06-27)
      Wave 7 of the Faryab Survey was conducted in April 2013. The questionnaire used in the survey has been developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in co-operation with the Norwegian-led Provincial ...
    • En sterk norsk maritim næring - en trussel for Sjøforsvaret 

      Strand, Kari Røren; Gulichsen, Steinar; Steder, Frank Brundtland (2013-04-15)
      Sjøforsvaret har i den siste tiden opplevd et stort tap av kritisk maritim kompetanse. Dette tapet påvirker Sjøforsvarets operative evne – det vil si den totale kapasitet og evne til å bemanne operative struktur. Basert ...
    • Evaluering av RAZOR™-instrument for identifisering av biologiske trusselstoffer 

      Thrane, Ingjerd; Espelund, Mari; Aarskaug, Tone; Blatny, Janet Martha (2013-08-07)
      Ved en biologisk hendelse er det viktig å undersøke tilstedeværelse av biologiske trusselstoffer så raskt som mulig og identifisere dem, samt å avklare om de biologiske trusselstoffene utgjør en reell trussel. PCRteknikken er ...
    • MilTech report 2012 

      Andås, Harald Erik; Blix, Tom Arild; Solheim, Svein Otto; Birkemo, Gunn Alice (2013-06-05)
      Developments within different technology areas and within specific defence related technologies are important for any small country. It is therefore essential to follow the technological developments in order to decide on ...
    • Arkitekturarbeid i Forsvaret med forenklet bruk av NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) 

      Hansbø, Morten; Jørgensen, Håvard D.; Rasmussen, Rolf (2013-06-10)
      Vi fremlegger i denne rapporten et forslag til en sterkt forenklet versjon av NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) som vi betegner ”NAF kjerne”, og et konsept der kjernen danner et generisk utgangspunkt for lokalt tilpasset ...
    • Sluttrapport for FFI-prosjekt Tjenesteorientering og semantisk interoperabilitet i INI 

      Rasmussen, Rolf; Bloebaum, Trude H.; Gjørven, Eli; Halvorsen, Jonas; Hansen, Bjørn Jervell; Haakseth, Raymond; Johnsen Frank T.; Lund, Ketil; Nordbotten, Nils Agne; Skjervold, Espen; Stolpe (2013-06-15)
      Dette dokumentet gir en oversikt over arbeidet som er gjort i FFI-prosjekt 1176 Tjenesteorientering og semantisk interoperabilitet i INI. Rapporten er forsøkt holdt på et oversiktsnivå, dog slik at de enkelte temaene har ...
    • Modelling battle command with context-based reasoning 

      Løvlid, Rikke Amilde; Alstad, Anders; Skogsrud, Guro; Bruvoll, Solveig; Mevassvik, Ole Martin; Bråten, Lars Erling (2013-08-27)
      An important aspect of simulation based training is the need for realistic computer generated forces. In typical systems for computer generated forces the entities can be instructed to perform simple tasks like “move ...
    • Chemical warfare agents and their interactions with solid surfaces 

      Gorzkowska-Sobas, Agnieszka Anna (2013-03-01)
      This literature study describes the interactions of chemical warfare agents (CWA) with materials. The materials of interest are various construction materials (concrete, plastics) and different types of surface finishing ...
    • Forsvarsindustrien i Norge - statistikk 2013 

      Tvetbråten, Kari (2014-12-05)
      Denne rapporten presenterer statistikk over norsk forsvarsindustri i 2013. Statistikken omfatter utvalgte økonomiske nøkkeltall som omsetning, årsverk, eksport, forskning og utvikling, innkjøpskostnader og verdiskaping. ...
    • Simulation of land force operations - a survey of methods and tools 

      Evensen, Per-Idar; Bentsen, Dan Helge (2016-01-15)
      Military land force operations are complex in nature, and modelling and simulation (M&S) of such operations with sufficient realism is very challenging. This report is a survey of methods and tools for M&S of land force ...
    • The financing of jihadi terrorist cells in Europe 

      Oftedal, Emilie (2015-01-06)
      This report takes stock of how jihadis in Western Europe raise, move, and spend money. Using new data from court documents and media reports, it reviews the financing of 40 jihadi terrorist cells that have plotted attacks ...
    • Lessons learned from crisis management of earthquakes - elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons 

      Maal, Maren; Grunnan, Tonje; Gallipoli, Maria Rosaria; Piscitelli, Sabatino; Masi, Angelo; Mucciarelli, Marco (2015-01-08)
      The EU project ELITE (Elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons) was a Coordination and Support action project, completed in the period of January 2013 to June 2014. The project received funding from the EU's Seventh ...
    • The 3S² experiments - studying the behavioral effects of naval sonar on northern bottlenose whales, humpback whales and minke whales 

      Kvadsheim, Petter H.; Lam, Frans-Peter; Miller, Patrick; Sivle, Lise D.; Wensveen, Paul; Roos, Marjoleine; Tyack, Peter; Kleivane, Lars; Visser, Fleur; Curé, Charlotte; van IJsselmuide, Sander (2015-11-03)
      In order to properly consider how behavioral responses to anthropogenic noise affect marine mammals and establish safety limits for sonar operations, there is a need to establish behavioral impact criteria. In order to ...
    • Lessons learned and best practices from crisis management of selected natural disasters - elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons 

      Grunnan, Tonje; Maal, Maren (2015-02-03)
      The EU project ELITE (Elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons) was a Coordination and Support action project, completed during the period from January 2013 to June 2014. The project received funding from the EU's 7th ...