Browsing Rapporter by Author "Toft, Heidi Kristine"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
The A.Q. Khan network
Breivik, Hanne; Toft, Heidi Kristine (2007)Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan var sentral i utviklingen av den pakistanske atombomben. Det har lenge vært kjent at Pakistan har importert både teknologi og materialer for anriking av uran fra Europa, og det har vært antatt at ... -
En vurdering av Indias og Pakistans kjernevåpenprogrammer
Toft, Heidi Kristine; Høibråten, Steinar (2004)This summary report presents the nuclear weapons programmes in India and Pakistan as well as the underlying reasons for this regional nuclear race. It is estimated that the two countries have produced sufficient quantities ... -
India og Pakistan : historiske, politiske og tekniske perspektiver på kjernevåpenkonflikten
Toft, Heidi Kristine; Bokhari, Laila (2004)India and Pakistan have fought three wars (1947, 1965 and 1971) and have had numerous nearly-war episodes. The conflict between them has been difficult to solve, mainly due to the dispute over Kashmir. India’s motivations ... -
Indias kjernevåpenprogram
Toft, Heidi Kristine (2004)Even though India performed its first nuclear test in 1974, India did not announce the possession of nuclear weapons until after the second round in 1998. The state is quite certainly in possession of fission weapons and ... -
De kjernefysiske prøvesprengningene i India og Pakistan (1974 og 1998)
Toft, Heidi Kristine (2004)On 18 May 1974 and again on 11 May 1998 the world was shocked by Indian nuclear tests. The archrival Pakistan followed on 28 and 30 May 1998. For the 1974 Indian test the official yield is 12 kt. Common literature estimates ... -
Kjernevåpenrelaterte folkerettslige avtaler
Toft, Heidi Kristine (2003)This report presents the following nuclear weapons related treaties: Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under Water (LTBT) (1963), Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ... -
Pakistans kjernevåpenprogram
Toft, Heidi Kristine (2004)Pakistan is believed to have acquired its nuclear force by extensive import, smuggling, espionage and alleged assistance from China. The most important incident is presumed to be the espionage on enrichment centrifuge ...