Now showing items 881-890 of 924
Real-time anomaly detection in hyperspectral images using multivariate normal mixture models and GPU processing
Hyperspectral imaging, which records a detailed spectrum of light arriving in each pixel, has many potential uses in remote sensing as well as other application areas. Practical applications will typically require real-time ...
Systembeskrivelse av norsk sjøtransport
This report presents a short description of Norwegian sea transport, as well as a discussion of emerging
trends and future developments in this system. The report provides some of the basis for FFI’s current
vulnerability ...
Prediction of concrete penetration using Forrestals formula
The various existing empirical formulas for predicting penetration into concrete targets are seen to give different results.
Explaining the difference is difficult since most of the original empirical data behind the ...
Penetration into modular targets
Penetration into modular targets (i.e. a wall or similar structure consisting of several target blocks) is examined using a variety of methods. Full Autodyn-3D simulations are performed and supported by analytical calculations. ...
Penetration analyses of protective suits and boots against jet fuel (JP-8)
Penetration analyses with jet fuel have been carried out on three different protective suits and one pair ofprotective
boots. The analyses were performed with a single cell permeation system developed at Norwegian Defence ...
FFI - vurdering av omfang og virksomhet - fase 3 - funksjonsområde I - FFIs støtte til Forsvarets politiske og militære ledelse i forbindelse med langsiktig planlegging og utvikling av Forsvaret
As a part of the evaluation of FFI, phase three, a working group was established in order to study FFI’s support to
Norwegian defence planning. The group had representatives from the Ministry of Defence, HQ Defence Command ...
International Policing and the Rule of Law in Transitions from War to Peace
«Challenges to Collective Security»
Working Papers from NUPI’s UN Programme: In transitions from war to peace there are few challenges more in
need of urgent attention and careful planning than the issues of
policing ...
Sampling and identification of Legionella spp. at Borregaard Ind. Ltd.
Befolkningen i Sarpsborg/Fredrikstad-området opplevde et utbrudd forårsaket av Legionella
pneumophila serogruppe 1 i mai 2005 hvor 56 personer ble registrert smittet. Skrubberanlegget
ved Borregaard i Sarpsborg ble ...
En sammenligning av beregnet og målt lydtrykk nær lette våpen
This report is part of an ongoing effort to improve the ability of the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (FB)
to assess noise pollution from firing ranges. At FFI we are currently developing methods to theoretically
predict ...
PCBs oppførsel i luft, vann, jord og sediment
The literature on the fate and transport of PCB in air, soil, water and sediment has been reviewed. The sorption of PCB
is primarily controlled by the distribution of organic material in soils and sediments. While the ...