Now showing items 1-10 of 94
Utvikling av menneske-maskin-systemer
The report gives an introduction to the design of complex human-machine systems (HMS). First, definition and characterization of human-machine systems are given. Then, a process model for the development of HMSs is outlined ...
Operasjon "Enduring freedom" - noen militær-teknologiske betraktninger om kampene i Afghanistan høsten 2001
This report discusses selected military technology issues which were important during Operation Enduring Freedom in
Afghanistan 2001. The main elements pointing toward the future, were the use of UAVs, cruise missiles, ...
Decontamination of NBC-protective garments - part 5: Thermal decontamination of the protective suit NM 143
Thermal decontamination of the NBC-protective suit (NM143) has been studied. The NM143 overgarment consists of a liquid repellant outer layer and an inner layer of activated charcoal fixed on polyurethane foam. Small pieces ...
Modellering av termisk signatur med ShipIR
Project 775 was established in order to develop models for simulation of thermal signature for natural backgrounds and
for vehicles. Developing a thermal signature modeling software for vehicles is a very complex task. ...
Automatisk værstasjon
Two nearly identical automatic weather stations have been constructed. They have been applied for establishing
comprehensive meteorological databases, which have been used as foundations in modelling object and ...
Termisk signatur fra objekt og bakgrunn - sluttrapport for prosjekt 775
In project 775, models for simulation of thermal signature for natural backgrounds and for vehicles have been developed. Both models were calibrated and evaluated on the basis of meteorological data and real thermal images. ...
Modelling the thermal signature of natural backgrounds
A model for calculation of surface temperatures of different background elements like edge of forest, heather, rock and gravel has been developed. The model is based on a simple mathematical description of the physical ...
Systembeskrivelse av norsk vegtransport
This report presents a description of the Norwegian road transport, as well as a discussion of emerging trends and future developments in this system. The report provides the basis for FFI’s current vulnerability analysis ...
Systembeskrivelse av norsk luftfart
This report presents a description of the Norwegian civil aviation, as well as a discussion of emerging trends and future
developments in this system. In combination with descriptions of Norwegian road transport, sea ...