Now showing items 21-30 of 94
Brukermanual til datastøtteverktøy - tiltak for fysisk sikring av Forsvarets objekter
Measures for physical security of military objects have been proposed in an earlier work (FFI/RAPPORT-2000/06432
“Method for evaluating the security of military installations”). This report is the user manual for a computer ...
Digital multistatisk radar, sender og mottaker
This report describes the receiver and the transmitter designed for verifying a multistatitic radar concept. The digital part of the receiver and the transmitter are based on FPGAs. The report also describes the software ...
Norsk UAV ressurs - forholdet til NATO AGS
Norway has decided to procure a UAV system.
The UAV system may be regarded as a complementary surveillance resource to NATO AGS and possibly to national
allied airborne ground surveillance assets like JSTARS.
Potential ...
A model of internal ballistics properties in gun tubes
In this report a study of the pressure generated by burning of gunpowder in gun barrels has been carried out.
Calculations using the model were compared with experimental results and with results from the standard ...
Contact surface area of a pyrotechnical granular material
The pyrotechnic composition RS-41, a mixture of 49wt% KCLO4, 49wt% Al/Mg and 2wt% Calcium Resinat, is an
important ingredient in the Multipurpose (MP) ammunition. RS-41 is placed in front of the projectile and ignites due ...
Mulige russiske reaksjoner på ulike former for NATO-utvidelse
NATO is, for the second time, going to include new members from East-Central Europe. In view of the experiences
from the first eastward expansion the possibility of a strong Russian reaction was seen as the main obstacle ...
Problem-solving and decision-making at the group level - a literary review
This report summarizes a literature study pertaining to research on decision-making in groups, carried out as part of the
project 807 SLADI (Battlefield Digitization – consequences for command and operation). It addresses ...
Digital multistatisk radar - overordnet maskinvarebeskrivelse
This report gives a high level description of a radar demonstrator made for demonstrating bistatic radar. The
demonstrator consists of one transmitter and one receiver unit. An overview of the hardware used in the ...
Interoperabilitet - kostnadsdriver og styrkemultiplikator
The main aim of this report is to analyse Interoperability (IO) of military forces and the consequences for Norway of
more emphasise on IO, both nationally and in NATO.
The first part of the report argues that IO is a ...
Bestemmelse av thiodiglykol i saltvann og marine sediment med væskekromatograf tilkoblet elektrospray massespektrometer
Analytical methods for thiodiglycol (TDG) in sea water and marine sediment have been developed. The methods are
based on solid phase extraction and analysis by use of HPLC-API-ES coupled to a MS in SIM positive ion modus. ...