Now showing items 31-40 of 94
Bottom reverberation predictions with the acoustic model Lybin - a comparison between three bottom backscattering algorithms
Comparing the three bottom backscattering algorithms we observe variations in the resulting bottom reverberation
levels from 0 to more than 20 dB in some cases. Concentrating on the variations at shorter to medium ranges ...
Investigation and risk assessment of ships loaded with chemical ammunition scuttled in Skagerrak
The Norwegian authorities gave in 1945 permission to scuttle ships loaded with captured chemical ammunition on
board in an area approximately 14 km X 4 km in size, 25 nautical miles south-east of Arendal. The total amount ...
Russland som "assosiert NATO-medlem" og Norge - foredrag ved FFI-seminar 10 september 2002
On September 10 2002 FFI gave a seminar on the topic "Russia as an associated member of Nato, and Norway." This
report is a collection of the contributions to the seminar. The talks given at the seminar shed light on the ...
Burning properties of PBXN-5 - closed vessel testing
PBXN-5, a HMX based explosive composition for press filling has been studied in Closed Vessel for characterisation of
burning properties. PBXN-5 has been tested as powder and in form of pressed pellets. Pellets have been ...
Range localication of 10-100 km shots by means of an endfire array and a waveguide invariant
During a shallow-water acoustic experiment, signals from small explosions were recorded on an endfire horizontal
array. The experiment took place in open waters with relatively slow changes of the water depth with range. ...
Penetration into concrete - analysis of small scale experiments with 12 mm projectiles
The analytical approach for predicting penetration of rigid projectiles into concrete targets indicates that the scaled
penetration depth is a function of only two non-dimensional parameters. This report analyses experiments ...
Vegetation attenuation of microwaves - measurements and model evaluation
The aim of this report is to analyse measurements of vegetation attenuation at 18GHz and 38GHz. The
transmitter and the receiver are both located in the forest in such a way that the main part of the radio wave
propagate ...
Multifunctional numerical tool for penetration analysis
An advanced analytical/numerical tool for calculating penetration of rigid projectiles into various materials is described.
The program is based on cavity expansion theory (CET) and is a further development of an earlier ...
A Russian-Western security committee? - possibilities and obstacles
The report is an attempt to outline a theoretical framework for the FFI project “Russia-partner and challenger.” It
presents two central theoretical contributions to the understanding of the concept “security communities,” ...