Now showing items 871-880 of 924
Terrorism and organised crime in post-Soviet Russia
This report explores the sources and nature of the terrorism that has afflicted Russia in post-Soviet time. The study focuses on three main contexts where terrorism has been generated: extremism based on ideological or ...
Russlands forhold til NATO og EU - på vei mot et sikkerhetsfellesskap?
Russia’s relations with European and Euro-Atlantic institutions have been significantly strengthened since the end of the
post-Cold War period. President Putin’s Western orientation in foreign policy, and NATO’s and the ...
Testing of gun barrel erosion by erosion bomb
The properties of the propellants are one important factor that determine gun barrel lifetime. To be able to study the
propellants influence on the wear of gun barrel have we built test equipment based on a standard closed ...
Tackling terrorism together : potential benefits of civil-military cooperation in post-conflict territories : the Kosovo case
This report explores whether and how civil-military security cooperation in peace operations can be a resource in
counter-terrorism by studying the international presence in Kosovo 1999-2002. The Kosovo terrorism scene ...
Prosedyrer for ytelsestesting av taktiske radiolinjer
The report assembles the test procedures used for performance testing of Band III tactical radio link equipment. The test
procedures were used during the testing of RL equipment from various vendors in conjunction with a ...
Experiences with Vectura
This report describes Vectura; the fourth of a total of five system dynamics models in the FFI-project 846 -
Implementering av beslutningstrener (BST II). Vectura is a logistics model containing the following aspects: ...
FFI - vurdering av omfang og virksomhet militær forskning og utvikling i fem land
The report compares the defence R&T and R&D budgets in the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK and US, and relates
the figures to the defence budgets. The size of the dominant defence research establishments in four of the ...
Samarbeid mellom Forsvaret og industrien innen programområdet INI
This report is focused on the Defence Information and Communication infrastructure (INI). The Ministry of Defence Policy guidelines are quite ambitious regarding the further development of INI, and focus on the importance ...
EUs sikkerhetslogikk
The EU has developed a common foreign and security policy which in many ways differs from the current US policy.
There are several reasons for these differences. Unlike the US the EU is not a unitary state, but a system ...
Observability at HF direction finding sites of scattering from wind farms - measurements at Smøla 2006
This report studies, on a general basis, whether wind farms may decrease the accuracy of direction finding
systems in the HF (high frequency, 2-30 MHz) band, due to scattering from the wind turbine towers or
blades. ...