Now showing items 61-70 of 406
Compact multimodal multispectral sensor system for tactical reconnaissance
(Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2022-09-30)
Multispectral imaging is an attractive sensing modality for small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in numerous military and civilian applications such as reconnaissance, target detection, and precision agriculture. Cameras ...
Aristeia tourniquet – clinical evaluation and user survey
The company Aristeia has designed a new type of tourniquet. FFI has developed a prototype of the tourniquet, and carried out a clinical test on 17 volunteers in the Norwegian Armed Forces. For comparison, the current ...
Grunnlagsstudie for ny politikkutforming - nasjonal forsvarsindustriell strategi
I Meld. St. 9 (2015–2016) la daværende regjering frem Nasjonal forsvarsindustriell strategi. En
rekke utviklingstrekk utfordrer nå flere av premissene for strategien. Forsvarsdepartementet
(FD) har derfor bedt Forsvarets ...
Fremstilling av TPEG, og herding og karakterisering av TPEG-baserte polymermatriser
Polyetylenglykol kopolymer (TPEG) har blitt syntetisert og herdet for å teste om den kan brukes
som bindemiddel i rakettdrivstoff. Foruten ti synteser av TPEG ble én syntese av en kopolyeter
bestående av Velvetol H250 ...
Motivasjon er ferskvare - en feltstudie på forventninger og motivasjon for tjeneste blant rekrutter på KNM Harald Haarfagre
Utsagnet som tittelen viser til – at motivasjon er ferskvare – går ofte igjen blant militært personell. Det betyr at motivasjon for tjeneste ofte er i endring og må holdes ved like. Ulike faktorer spiller inn for å motivere ...
Testing a simple velocity fluctuation model for one-dimensional simulations of shock-wave particle cloud interaction
Airborne dispersal of toxic substancres in populated regions is a central research topic at the
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). Such an event can be the result of accidents in
industrial areas or during ...
Cybersecurity and cryptographic methods in unmanned systems - a study of the current state in unmanned aerial vehicles and similar systems
In this report, we present common attack methods against unmanned systems and the
cryptographic solutions that are commonly implemented to address these issues. We also detail
many concrete studies of unmanned aerial ...
Cooling and rewarming of hands of military conscripts
The key to successful cold weather operations is among others to maintain soldiers’ manual dexterity and tactile sensation. Cooling of the hands leads to loss of manual dexterity, and reduces operational capacity. This ...
LYBIN – fast and accurate sonar performance prediction
LYBIN uses a broad set of parameters to accurately
calculate the probability of detecting
objects in a given area under water with the
use of sonar technology. As this probability
changes with environmental properties,