Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Compressed sensing og sparse rekonstruksjon i radarsammenheng
Denne rapporten gir en kort gjennomgang av de viktigste prinsippene bak compressed sensing og
vurderer noen mulige anvendelser i radarsammenheng. Compressed sensing er en metodikk som kan
anvendes for å samle inn og ...
Sparse range-Doppler image construction with neural networks
The principles outlined by compressed sensing can
permit a sensor to collect reduced amount of data and still
reconstruct an exact outcome. This can for example be used
to generate super-resolution sparse range-Doppler ...
Training of Neural Network Target Detectors Mentored by SO-CFAR
A desirable objective in radar detection theory is the ability to detect and recognize targets in intricate scenarios such as in the presence of clutter or multiple closely spaced targets. Herein we propose the use of ...
Maskinlæring og gruppeantenner i moderne radarsystemer
Denne rapporten presenterer enkelte resultater fra siste del av FFI-prosjektet Operativ
radarytelse II (OPRA II), hvor den potensielle anvendelsen av maskinlæring og nevrale nettverk
i moderne radarsystemer er blitt ...
A neural network framework for binary classification of radar detections.
A desired objective in radar target detection is to satisfy two very contradictory requirements: offer a high probability of detection with a low false alarm rate. In this paper, we propose the utilization of artificial ...
Augmenting Radar Doppler Resolution with Neural Networks
In order to generate high-resolution Doppler profiles a radar needs to emit a large number of pulses within a coherent processing interval (CPI). For a radar operating in demanding scenarios it can be difficult to sustain ...
Discrete Fourier Transform with Neural Networks
The discrete Fourier transform is an important computational tool to retrieve the frequency distribution of a sampled signal. Recent years have also witnessed considerable research activity in neural networks as a mean to ...
Target detection in radars using small neural networks
Target detection is an essential part of radar systems. An important objective in radar target detection
is to satisfy two often contradictory requirements: a high probability of detection with a low false
alarm rate. ...