Now showing items 41-50 of 406
Multimodal Multispectral Imaging System for Small UAVs
Multispectral imaging is an attractive sensing modality for small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in numerous applications. The most compact spectral camera architecture is based on spectral filters in the focal plane. ...
Exploring data reuse using a big data infrastructure
Making good military decisions requires a high level of situational awareness, and building this
situational awareness is improved by access to as much relevant information as possible. This
information can arrive to a ...
Sivil kystovervåking ifm Nasjonal Transportplan 2022-2033
I månedsskiftet mars/april 2019 fikk Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) i oppdrag fra Kystverket
å se på framtidig teknologi og systemer som kan ha betydning for den kommende Nasjonal
transportplan (NTP) for perioden ...
Norwegian long-term defence analysis - a scenario- and capability-based approach
The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) supports the political and military
leadership of Norwegian defence in their long-term defence planning. In this report, we describe
and review the method FFI uses to ...
Thermal stability of NMC442 cathode material studied by accelerating rate calorimetry
Lithium ion batteries have developed into one of the most popular secondary batteries on the
market today due to high voltage, long lifetime and high energy density. However, lithium ion
batteries may have safety issues, ...
Hvem er de menige? - en kvantitativ analyse av vernepliktsdata 2014–2020
Førstegangstjenesten er sentral for rekrutteringen til Forsvaret, og kunnskap om hvem som
tjenestegjør, er derfor viktig. En viktig endring i Forsvaret kom med innføringen av allmenn
verneplikt i 2014. Endringen betyr ...
Automatisering i fremtidens arbeidsliv - hva sier forskningen?
Det sies at vi for tiden er inne i «den fjerde industrielle revolusjon», der teknologiutviklingen går
svært raskt og har stor påvirkning på arbeidslivet vårt. Utviklingen innenfor digitalisering, kunstig
intelligens, ...
Spectral reflectance and transmission properties of a multi-layered camouflage net: Comparison with natural birch leaves and mathematical models
With improved specifications and capabilities of modern sensors and detectors, concealment is an increasingly challenging endeavor. Concealment from modern sensors requires advanced camouflage material that can provide low ...
Path Planning for UGVs Based on Traversability Hybrid A*
In this letter, a new method of path planning for unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) on terrain is developed. For UGVs moving on terrain, path traversability and collision avoidance are important factors. If traversability ...
Weeping in Modern Jihadi Groups
This article, using a wide range of primary sources, describes the practice of weeping (bukā) in contemporary jihadi groups. It shows that weeping is widespread and encouraged in militant Islamist groups such as al-Qaida ...