Now showing items 1-10 of 132
NorSat-3 - Ship Surveillance with a Navigation Radar Detector
(Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2021-04)
The NorSat-3 micro satellite will be launched into space during 2020 with a radar detector developed at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). It will provide improved surveillance capability of the shipping ...
NorSat-3 Skipsovervåking med navigasjonsradardetektor
(Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2021-04)
I 2019 sendes mikrosatellitten NorSat-3 opp med en radardetektor utviklet ved Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI). Det skal gi bedre oversikt over skipstrafikken i norske farvann.
Path Planning for UGVs Based on Traversability Hybrid A*
In this letter, a new method of path planning for unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) on terrain is developed. For UGVs moving on terrain, path traversability and collision avoidance are important factors. If traversability ...
Utenlandske investeringer og andre økonomiske virkemidler - når truer de nasjonal sikkerhet?
Militære maktmidler har i lang tid dominert tenkningen omkring hvordan stater sikrer sin suverenitet,
sitt territorium og sin befolkning. Økonomiske kapasiteter og makt har i stor grad blitt holdt adskilt
fra analyser ...
Service decomposition using the NATO C3 Taxonomy - case studies
NATO introduced the Connected Forces Initiative at the 2012 Chicago summit with the aim to
enhance allied interoperability and readiness in order to strengthen the combat power of the
alliance. One of the aspects highlighted ...
Rammeverk for risikovurdering av kritiske samfunnsfunksjoner
I denne rapporten er det utviklet et rammeverk for risikovurdering av de kritiske samfunnsfunksjonene
som søker å ivareta resiliensperspektivet. Fordelen med et slikt perspektiv er
vektleggingen av å opprettholde ...
Changes in inoperability for interdependent industry sectors in Norway from 2012 to 2017
The purpose of this work has been to investigate changes in interdependencies between Norway's mainland industry sectors and how it might affect national security. To this end, the interdependencies were analysed by using ...
Vehicle Safety of the Velocity Obstacle Algorithm
This paper presents a mathematical analysis of the velocity obstacle algorithm applied to a nonholonomic vehicle for avoiding a moving obstacle in the plane. The velocity obstacle algorithm can be used for local navigation ...
Large scale leakage of liquid hydrogen (LH2) – tests related to bunkering and maritime use of liquid hydrogen
Hydrogen is a promising energy carrier, which itself does not contribute to greenhouse gas
emissions. Liquid hydrogen (LH2) is an efficient solution for transportation and storage of
hydrogen. Especially for large vessels, ...
LybinTCPserver 7.0.3 - interface description
LYBIN is a robust, user friendly and fast acoustic ray-trace simulator. A broad set of parameters are used to accurately calculate the probability of detecting objects in a given area under water with the use of sonar ...