Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Path Planning for UGVs Based on Traversability Hybrid A*
In this letter, a new method of path planning for unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) on terrain is developed. For UGVs moving on terrain, path traversability and collision avoidance are important factors. If traversability ...
Evaluation of Two Path Following Controllers for an Ackermann Off-road Vehicle in Winter and Summer Conditions
Off-road driving can be a challenging task with rapid changes in the driving conditions, terrain and vehicle behavior. For off-road autonomous vehicles, it is important to be robust to these changes, and parts of this ...
Demonstrating Interoperability Between Unmanned Ground Systems and Command and Control Systems
This paper describes the research and experiment efforts of
the NATO STO group IST-149-RTG capability concept demonstrator for
interoperability within unmanned ground systems and C2 and the NAAG
team of experts on UGV. ...
Making the Milrem Themis UGV ready for autonomous operations
The usage of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) in defence application is increasing, and much research effort is put into the field. Also, many defence vehicle producers are developing UGV platforms. However, the autonomy ...