Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Path Planning for UGVs Based on Traversability Hybrid A*
In this letter, a new method of path planning for unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) on terrain is developed. For UGVs moving on terrain, path traversability and collision avoidance are important factors. If traversability ...
Vehicle Safety of the Velocity Obstacle Algorithm
This paper presents a mathematical analysis of the velocity obstacle algorithm applied to a nonholonomic vehicle for avoiding a moving obstacle in the plane. The velocity obstacle algorithm can be used for local navigation ...
Reactive Collision Avoidance for Nonholonomic Vehicles in Dynamic Environments with Obstacles of Arbitrary Shape
Over the recent years, there has been an increasing interest in autonomous systems. Consequently, the problem of avoiding static and dynamic obstacles without human interference has gained a lot of attention. Avoiding ...
Reactive Collision Avoidance for Underactuated Surface Vehicles using the Collision Cone Concept
Avoiding collisions is a crucial task for autonomous systems. Many strategies for avoiding obstacles have been proposed, yet the problem of having underactuated dynamics is rarely addressed in previous studies of collision ...
Formation Path Following Control of Underactuated USVs
This paper proposes a formation control method for two underactuated unmanned surface vessels (USVs) to follow curved paths in the presence of ocean currents. By uniting a line-of-sight (LOS) guidance law and the ...