Now showing items 41-50 of 66
Norsk kraftforsyning - dagens system og fremtidig utvikling
This report presents a description of the present Norwegian electric power system, as well as a discussion of emerging
trends and future developments in this system. The report provides the basis for FFI’s current ...
Spørreundersøkelse blant vernepliktige i Hæren vedrørende norsk internasjonalt engasjement, verneplikt og verving
This report describes the results from a questionnaire among conscripts in the Norwegian Army 3 months into their
service. The questionnaire addressed questions concerning recruitment to a professional Army unit, and ...
Teknologi, forsvar og forsvarsstrukturer
This report documents the work done under the Defense Analysis 2000 related to trends in technology development and
how these trends may create new possibilities for cost effective systems and solutions in the force ...
Det slaviske triangelet - en studie av Russlands utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk i forhold til Hviterussland og Ukraina
This report gives an analysis of how Russian foreign policy ambitions towards Ukraine and Belarus changed during the
period from 1991 to 1997, and by what means Russia conducted her foreign policy towards the two countries. ...
Addisjonskrets for IEEE-754 flyttall : optimalisert for gjennomstrømning
This report conlains a description of a floating-point adder optimized for throughput rather than latecy. It is
confirmed with lEEE-754 standard for binary floating-point arithmetic. The design is fully tested and ...
Risikovurdering av tungmetallforurensning på en utendørs skytebane
Risk assessment of heavy metal pollution was carried out at an outdoor firing range at Sessvollmoen, Norway. The
assessment is based on the supervisor published by SFT (Statens forurensningstilsyn). The results indicate ...
Evaluation of CLAWPACK with gravity and multiple phases for use in marine technology
English summary. This thesis concerns the use of the program package CLAWPACK (Conservation LAWs PACKage) in problems related to marine technology. Problems investigated are vortex shedding, multiple phases and gravity. ...
Analyse av militære ledelsessystemer - en metodeoversikt - sluttrapport for FFI-prosjekt 735.1 "Ledelse og beslutningstrening på operasjonelt nivå"
In the post cold war period, information age has reached the military domain as well as the civilian. However, the cost
of new technology is significant, and the consequences of alternative organisational forms or investment ...