Now showing items 61-66 of 66
Risikovurdering av tungmetallforurensning på en utendørs skytebane
Risk assessment of heavy metal pollution was carried out at an outdoor firing range at Sessvollmoen, Norway. The
assessment is based on the supervisor published by SFT (Statens forurensningstilsyn). The results indicate ...
Contact surface area of RS-41
The pyrotechnic composition RS-41, a mixture of 49wt% KCLO4, 49wt% Al/Mg and 2wt% Calcium Resinat, is an
important ingredient in the Multipurpose (MP) ammunition. RS-41 is placed in front of the projectile and ignites due ...
Prediction of concrete penetration using Forrestals formula
The various existing empirical formulas for predicting penetration into concrete targets are seen to give different results.
Explaining the difference is difficult since most of the original empirical data behind the ...
Penetration analyses of protective suits and boots against jet fuel (JP-8)
Penetration analyses with jet fuel have been carried out on three different protective suits and one pair ofprotective
boots. The analyses were performed with a single cell permeation system developed at Norwegian Defence ...
PCBs oppførsel i luft, vann, jord og sediment
The literature on the fate and transport of PCB in air, soil, water and sediment has been reviewed. The sorption of PCB
is primarily controlled by the distribution of organic material in soils and sediments. While the ...
Integrated Camera-Based Navigation
This paper presents an integrated INS (Inertial Navigation System) and camera-based navigation system. The camera-based navigation system provides position measurement aiding to the INS. This is an alternative to the more ...