Now showing items 61-66 of 66
Kontrollert mild/moderat hypotermi ved blødningssjokk
In a rat model of controlled haemorrhagic shock we have investigated the effects of therapeutic mild/moderate
hypothermia on the early inflammatory response and organ function. In two groups of animals (n=13 in each ...
Aksidentell hypotermi og bruk av rotte som eksperimentell modell
Accidental hypothermia is an important clinical complication in emergency and disaster medicine. In military medicine
even mild hypothermia may seriously influence the soldier’s physiological responses and therefore his ...
Multiplikasjonskrets for IEEE-754 flyttall optimalisert for gjennomstrømning
This report contains a discription of a floting point adder optimized for throughput, rather than latecy. It is confirm
with IEEE-754 standard for binary floting—point atrithmetic. The design is fully tested and verified. ...
EU i USAs industrielle slagskygge - forsvarsrelaterte europeiske og transatlantiske industrielle og teknologiske utfordringer i forbindelse med EUs "headline goal"
At the EU December 1999 European Council in Helsinki it was decided that the Union by 2003 should establish an
autonomous capacity to conduct military operations in response to international crisis.
The aim of this report ...
Spesifikasjon av ESM-demonstrator
The report contains a specification of an Electronic Support Measure (ESM) device for demonstration purposes. The
device will be used by FFI to demonstrate modern passive positioning and identification techniques for the ...
Mulige interferenskilder for GPS
This report presents possible Norwegian GPS interference sources. A field experiment has been conducted to investigate
GPS receivers susceptibility to interference from D-band radars and broadcasting transmitters