Now showing items 11-20 of 66
Artificial intelligence and human behaviour in simulations - final report from FFI-project 722 Synthetic decision making
The report describes the results achieved in the FFI-project 722 on synthetic decision making. It is observed how
formalised combat simulations fit the game-theoretic framework of two-player zero-sum games. The games ...
Deltagelse i NATO/PFP - interlaboratorieøvelse for deteksjon/identifikasjon av biologiske stridsmidler
NATO styrker. enten i fredsbevarende operasjoner eller i annen type strid, kan bli utsatt for angrep/sabotasje med
biologiske våpen. I en slik situasjon er det viktig at en hurtig evaluering av situasjonen er mulig for ...
Ekstraksjon av fosfonsyrer fra vannfase ved hjelp av fast fase ekstraksjon
Methylation of methylphosphonic acids with diazometane gives good results, even if the eluate is acidic. Extraction of
methylphosphonic acids from water using solid phase extraction has been tested with three differents ...
Contact surface area of RS-41
The pyrotechnic composition RS-41, a mixture of 49wt% KCLO4, 49wt% Al/Mg and 2wt% Calcium Resinat, is an
important ingredient in the Multipurpose (MP) ammunition. RS-41 is placed in front of the projectile and ignites due ...
Praktisering av verneplikten i Norge 1814-2000
This paper discusses the principle of general conscription and implementation of that principle in Norway from 1814 to
the end of the 20th century. The principle of general conscription contains within itself a contradiction ...
Ytelsen av standard HF-modemer på norske breddegrader
The high latitude HF channel has been measured and characterised in terms of Doppler spread, delay spread and signalto-noise ratio. The performance of data modems has been determined over a comprehensive range of simulated ...
Test av beholdere for innsamling av miljøprøver i forbindelse med verifikasjon av kjemiske stridsmidler
The existing method for preparing soil samples contaminated with chemical warfare agents, gave recoveries below 5%
for DIPMP-d3, tributylamine and 3,3’-thiodipropanol. After further investigations, it was found that the ...
Fremtidens infanteribataljon - soldatens helhetssystem
The Dismounted Soldier System is an important part of the future Infantry. This report describes
some main elements in the Dismounted Soldier System, discusses the system’s contribution to force
effectiveness, estimates ...
Er sivil infrastruktur sannsynlege mål for terrorgrupper i fredstid? : nokre førebelse konklusjonar om terrorisme som tryggingspolitisk utfordring i Norge
The report discusses terrorism as a security policy challenge in Norway. It gives a broad survey of recent trends in
terrorism and briefly discusses the potential for weapons of mass destruction terrorism. The report also ...