Now showing items 31-40 of 924
Testing of the Chemical, Atomic and Toxic compound Surveillance System - CATSS
A first prototype of the Chemical, Atomic and Toxic compound Surveillance System (CATSS) has been developed at
FFI. The prototype has been tested during winter conditions at FFI and has been field tested at Ørland Main ...
Egenskaper til HMX Al PBX
Three different qualities of HMX class 1 crystals have been used to produce a PBX containing Al-powder with the same
binder system as PBXN-109 to study if they give products of different properties. Properties characterized ...
Validation of the air collector SASS 2000PLUS in a bioaerosol test (BAT) chamber at TNO
This report describes a preliminary evaluation of the air collector SASS 2000PLUS in a BioAerosol Test (BAT) chamber using spores of Bacillus globigii (BG) and vegetative Erwinia herbicola (EH) cells. The presented work ...
Målinger av lydtrykket nær CV90, AGL, 12.7, Rena
Denne rapporten er del av et pågående arbeid for å forbedre Forsvarsbygg sin evne til å evaluere
støynivået rundt skytefelt. Her dokumenterer vi målinger som ble gjort på Rena 11. mai 2006.
Der ble det målt tidsserier ...
Oppvarming av litium- og litiumionceller
Lithium cells may for safety purposes be equipped with safety vents, shut down separators and various types of fuses. In
this work lithium primary cells, lithium ion cells and a lithium ion polymer battery block have been ...
Program for generering av 2D sikkerhetsmaler
A computer program for generating Weapon Danger Areas (2D) is developed. The program is an add-on module to the
cartographic software ArcGIS/ArcView from ESRI. This report documents the algorithms utilized, and demonstrates
how ...
Risikovurdering av Forsvarets bruk av hvitt fosfor i Troms
The aim of the report is to unravel potential environmental impacts of white phosphorus (WP) in military training areas
in Troms. Due to contamination of equipment used for analysis of WP in water samples, new samples of ...
Grafiske skytetabeller for 155 mm artilleri
The artillery uses graphical firing tables as backup to determine firing data when the fire control system does not function. Graphical firing tables are easy and quick to use compared to tabular firing tables. The graphical ...
LAMU tracker – a tracker for sensors with Large Angular Measurement Uncertainty
LAMU (Large Angular Measurement Uncertainty) trackeren har blitt utviklet for sensorer med stor vinkel-usikkerhet, altså stor målestøy for vinkelmålingen. Mange HF (High Frequency) radarer er eksempler på slike sensorer. ...
Static magnetic dipole detection - generalized matched filtering to Anderson functions
We propose a method for combined noise suppression and target detection for 3-axial magnetometer measurements.
Vector linear prediction is used to whiten the noise, and matched filters are used for detection.
In a case ...