Now showing items 618-637 of 2875

    • Ekstraksjon av fosfonsyrer fra vannfase ved hjelp av fast fase ekstraksjon 

      Tørnes, John Aasulf; Hansen, Lise-Lotte; Kalfjøs, Helen Therese; Opstad, Aase Mari; Røen, Bent T. (2000)
      Methylation of methylphosphonic acids with diazometane gives good results, even if the eluate is acidic. Extraction of methylphosphonic acids from water using solid phase extraction has been tested with three differents ...
    • Electrically heated tube test of MCX-6100 - EMTAP 42 Test 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove; Heiberg, Ole Martin; Haugom, Ole (2017-04-24)
      The EMTAP 42 tube test electrically heated has been performed with three different heating rates during the STANAG 4170 qualification of MCX-6100. With a heating rate of 300oC per hour the tube opens up after 39 minutes ...
    • Electrically heated tube test of MCX-8100 EMTAP 42 Test 

      Author::Nevstad, Gunnar Ove; Author::Heiberg, Ole Martin; Author::Haugom, Ole (2017-11-27)
      The EMTAP 42 electrically heated tube test has been performed with three different heating rates during the STANAG 4170 qualification of MCX-8100. With the fastest heating rate of 300oC per hour, the tube opens after 41 ...
    • Electromagnetic shadow effects behind wind turbines 

      Høye, Gudrun (2007)
      The development of wind farms may sometimes conflict with Defence interests by degrading the performance of Defence installations such as radars or telecommunications systems. This report has studied the potential problem ...
    • Electron loss and meteoric dust in the mesosphere 

      Friedrich, Martin; Rapp, Markus; Blix, Tom Arild; Hoppe, Ulf-Peter; Torkar, Klaus; Robertson, Scott; Dickson, S; Lynch, K. (2012)
      The ionosphere is always assumed to contain equal numbers of positive and negative charges in a given volume (quasineutrality). Hence fewer electrons than positive charges are an indication of negative charges other than ...
    • Elektrooptikk 

      Skogen, Erling (red) (Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2005)
      Elektrooptikk ble etter hvert et viktig fagfelt på FFI. Det var et felt hvor instituttet hadde svært liten erfaring i begynnelsen av 1960-årene. Det var i første rekke utviklingen av infrarød målsøker og laser høydemåler ...
    • Elektrooptiske begrensere 

      Stenersen, Knut; Villanger, Asta Storebø; Brudevoll, Trond; Ajer, Halvor (2002)
      A description is given of physical mechanisms and promising materials which can be utilized in optical power limiting devices. The discussion is focussed on use of such limiters for protection of military electro-optic ...

      Pucci, Stefano; Lie-Svendsen, Øystein; Esser, Ruth (2010)
      We carry out a model study to determine whether a funnel-type flow geometry in the solar wind source region leads to sufficiently fast hydrogen flow to offset heavy element gravitational settling and can thus explain why ...
    • The Emergence of Russian Private Military Companies: A New Tool of Clandestine Warfare 

      Bukkvoll, Tor; Østensen, Åse Gilje (2020-03-19)
      In recent years, the Russian private security and military company (PMSC) industry has evolved to serve the needs of both business clients as well as governments. Thus far, the ties between the Kremlin and the Russian PMSC ...
    • Emerging technology concepts and defence planning in the Nordic countries 

      Andås, Harald Erik; Damsgaard, Bjarne; Kindvall, Göran; Rönnberg, Elisabeth; Solheim, Svein Otto; Suojanen, Marko (2016-02-01)
      This report communicates results from on-going studies of technology trends and their potential consequences for capability-based defence planning in the Nordic countries. The work is built on the analysis of the NordTech ...
    • Emerging technology trends for defence and security 

      Author::Andås, Harald Erik (2020-04-07)
      This review is the first of a series of studies from a new research programme at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) tasked with identifying emerging technology trends and analysing their potential impact ...
    • Emisjonsdata for støy fra CV90 (30mm) og NM218 (12.7 mm) 

      Huseby, Morten (2007)
      Denne rapporten er del av et arbeid for å forbedre Forsvarsbygg sin evne til å evaluere støynivået rundt skytefelt. I arbeidet med å administrere skytefeltene benytter Forsvarsbygg støyanalyseprogrammet MILSTØY II. Dette ...
    • Emisjonsdata for støy fra HK 416 og HK 417 

      Huseby, Morten; Fykse, Haakon (2009)
      Rundt Forsvaretsskyte- og øvingsfelt har SFT (Statens Forurensningstilsyn) gitt konsesjoner for hvor mye støy som er tillatt. Det er Forsvarsbygg sin oppgave å legge forholdene til rett for at disse støygrensene overholdes. ...
    • Emission of gas and dust from small arms 

      Dullum, Ove; Johnsen, Arnt Magne; Sundem-Eriksen, Lasse (2016-01-29)
      The background for this investigation is the health related problems experienced by some units of the Norwegian Armed Forces after the introduction of so-called “non-leaded” ammunition for small arms. These problems were ...
    • Emitter identification : statistics of digitally I-Q demodulated radar pulses and effects of ensemble averaging 

      Skartlien, Roar; Øyehaug, Leiv (2004)
      In electronic warfare and surveillance it is of interest to identify radar emitters based on emitted pulse shapes. Recorded pulse data have uncertainties due to emitter and receiver noise, and due to digital sampling and ...
    • En analyse av sluttrater og stillingsrotasjon i Forsvaret 

      Lillekvelland, Tobias; Strand, Kari Røren (2015-05-27)
      Dette arbeidet er en del av FFI-prosjektet Strategiske personell- og kompetanseanalyser (P&K). Prosjektets formål er å bidra til at Forsvarets strategiske forvaltning av personell og kompetanse gjennomføres på en effektiv ...
    • En forbedret modell av oseanografien til bruk i akustisk modellering - kombinasjon av klimatologi og havmodell 

      Østenstad, Petter (2015-11-13)
      Informasjon om lydhastighetsprofiler er essensielt i planlegging og gjennomføring av sonaroperasjoner. En riktig beskrivelse av hvordan lydhastigheten varierer med dybden er spesielt viktig i modellering av lydutbredelse ...