Now showing items 485-504 of 2876

    • Den russiske regjeringens forslag til føderalt budsjett for 2024 og planperioden 2025–2026 

      Sendstad, Cecilie; Wicken, Noah (2023-11-28)
      Dette notatet redegjør for og analyserer hovedtrekkene i den russiske regjeringens forslag til føderalt budsjett for 2024 samt planperioden 2025–2026 med særlig fokus på de forsvarsrelaterte utgiftene. Russiske myndig--heter ...
    • Dendritic flux avalanches in a superconducting MgB2 tape 

      Qureishy, Thomas; Laliena, Carlos; Martínez, Elena; Qviller, Atle Jorstad; Vestgården, Jørn Inge; Johansen, Tom Henning; Navarro, Rafael; Mikheenko, Pavlo (2017)
      Tapes of MgB2 with high critical current have a significant technological potential, but can experience operational breakdown due to thermomagnetic instabilities. Such events are routinely registered by magnetisation ...
    • Density mapping of ship traffic 

      Aronsen, Morten; Landmark, Knut (2016-11-23)
      An increasing number of satellites relay information from the Automatic Identification System (AIS) anti-collision system. This has resulted in a global coverage of ship position data, and several commercial service ...
    • Deployerbar WiMAX 2,3 GHz i skog : propagasjonsmålinger 

      Voldhaug, Jan Erik; Bråten, Lars Erling; Sander, Jostein (2009)
      Som en følge av innføring av nettverksbasert forsvar, oppstår et behov for utveksling av langt større informasjonsmengder innad i og mellom Forsvarets plattformer og avdelinger enn noen gang tidligere. For å møte dette ...
    • Descending Infrared Transmission Spectra of CdZnTe Substrates Due to Surface Roughness 

      Selvig, Espen; Kongshaug, Kjell Ove; Haakenaasen, Randi; Lorentzen, Torgeir; Brudevoll, Trond (2019-06-11)
      (111)B-oriented Cd0.96Zn0.04Te substrates with rough surfaces have been found to have infrared (IR) transmission spectra which decrease rapidly in intensity as the photon energy increases. The rough surfaces were produced ...
    • Design and implementation of an augmented reality system for VBS2 

      Evensen, Per-Idar (2012-03-29)
      This report describes the implementation of an Augmented Reality (AR) system for Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2). The AR system is developed using VBS2Fusion, which is a C++ based application programming interface (API) for ...
    • Design of a high pulse energy coherent ultraviolet source - simulations and experimental design 

      Rustad, Gunnar; Farsund, Øystein (2013-02-01)
      The report discusses design considerations and numerical simulations of different system architectures for generation of several tens of mJ pulse energy in the ultraviolet range around 290- 300 nm. The architectures ...
    • Design of an initial LLC Data Protocol for the NBWF Simulator 

      Berg, Tore J. (2012-03-21)
      NATO has an ongoing activity with the objective to develop a narrowband waveform (NBWF) standard. This is a single-channel mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) which shall serve voice traffic and data traffic over a 25 kHz radio ...
    • The design of an initial NBWF network simulator 

      Berg, Tore J. (2008)
      Dette dokumentet er en leveranse fra modellerings- og simuleringsaktiviteten under TIPPER-prosjektet. Prosjektet deltar aktivt i et standardiseringsarbeid i NATO som skal ta fram en smalbånds bølgeformstandard. Hensikten ...
    • Design og implementasjon av FFI GCS - kontrollstasjon for ubemannede systemer 

      Skjervold, Espen (2016-02-26)
      Formålet med denne rapporten er å dokumentere og gjøre kjent en egenutviklet kontrollstasjon for ubemannede systemer, tatt frem gjennom prosjektet 1359 «Teknologi for fremtidens UAS». Motivasjonen for å utvikle en egen ...
    • Desinfeksjon og gjenbruk av åndedrettsvern (filtrerende halvmasker) - litteratursammenstilling 

      Author::Tønsager, Janne (2020-05-05)
      Åndedrettsvern, som filtrerende halvmasker, benyttes i helsevesenet for å beskytte brukeren mot smittestoffer. Maskene må ha god tetting mot ansiktet og et velfungerende filtermateriale for å virke optimalt. De er ...
    • Destined for deadlock? Russia, Ukraine, and the unfulfilled Minsk agreements 

      Åtland, Kristian (2020-01-27)
      Bringing peace, security, and stability to the war-torn region of Donbas has proven to be a challenging — some would say near-impossible — task. The "Minsk II" agreement, signed in February 2015, was supposed to put an end ...
    • Det grønne forsvaret? 

      Author::Voie, Øyvind; Author::Kirkhorn, Simen; Author::Aarønæs, Lars; Author::Utstøl, Simon; Author::Sparrevik, Magnus; Author::Hofoss, Espen (2019-11-13)
      DET ER PÅ TIDE Å TA NESTE STEG Bladet du nå holder i hendene skiller seg fra andre FFI-rapporter. Det er ikke sluttresultatet av ett bestemt forskningsprosjekt. Denne utgaven av VITEN er resultat av flere års forskning ...
    • Det slaviske triangelet - en studie av Russlands utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk i forhold til Hviterussland og Ukraina 

      Brandt-Hansen, Anne (2000)
      This report gives an analysis of how Russian foreign policy ambitions towards Ukraine and Belarus changed during the period from 1991 to 1997, and by what means Russia conducted her foreign policy towards the two countries. ...
    • Detection metrics and ship [D]RI 

      Van Rheenen, Arthur D.; Heen, Lars Trygve; Madsen, Eirik Blix; Brendhagen, Erik; Løkken, Kristin Hammarstrøm; Almklov, Bernt; Glimsdal, Eirik (2018)
      Well-known detection metrics based on Johnson criteria or Target Task Performance (TTP) models were developed for land-based targets [1,2]. In this paper we investigate how (whether) we can apply these metrics to especially ...
    • Detection of forest clear-cuts with shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) and tandem-X InSAR data 

      Solberg, Svein; Astrup, Rasmus Andreas; Weydahl, Dan Johan (2013)
      The aim of this study was to determine whether forest clear-cuts during 2000–2011 could be detected as a decrease in surface height by combining Digital Surface Models (DSMs) from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ...
    • Detection of Legionella pneumophila in a biological treatment plant by co-cultivatiobn with Acanthamoeba castellanii 

      Fykse, Else-Marie; Aarskaug, Tone; Blatny, Janet Martha (2014)
      Legionella pneumophila was identified in the aeration ponds of a biological wastewater treatment plant at the pulp and paper industry Borregaard, Sarpsborg, Norway. After 3 outbreaks of Legionaires’ disease reported in ...
    • Detection of military objects in LADAR images 

      Palm, Hans Christian; Ajer, Halvor; Haavardsholm, Trym Vegard (2008)
      This report describes different techniques for preprocessing, segmentation, and detection of vehicle sized objects in LADAR images. Five preprocessing strategies are presented; 1) Median filtering, 2) Two 1-D median ...
    • Detection of Point Scatterers in Medical Ultrasound 

      Thon, Stine Hverven; Hansen, Roy Edgar; Austeng, Andreas (2021-11-19)
      We present an overview of the detection of point scatterers in ultrasound images and suggest strategies for evaluating and measuring the detection performance. We use synthetic aperture Field II simulations of a point ...
    • Detection performance for Incoherent Range Walk Compensation 

      Finden, Erlend; Christiansen, Jonas Myhre; Lie-Svendsen, Øystein; Olsen, Karl Erik (2014-11-24)
      FFI supports the Royal Norwegian Air Force in their acquisition of new air surveillance sensors. Improved detection performance on low observable targets may be obtained by increasing the radar dwell time on target. For ...