Now showing items 1642-1661 of 2875

    • Motivasjon er ferskvare - en feltstudie på forventninger og motivasjon for tjeneste blant rekrutter på KNM Harald Haarfagre 

      Hellum, Nina (2020-08-20)
      Utsagnet som tittelen viser til – at motivasjon er ferskvare – går ofte igjen blant militært personell. Det betyr at motivasjon for tjeneste ofte er i endring og må holdes ved like. Ulike faktorer spiller inn for å motivere ...
    • Motivasjon for førstegangstjeneste – en kvantitativ analyse av sesjonsdata 2009–2019 

      Author::Køber, Petter Kristian (2020-06-04)
      I første del av den todelte sesjonsordningen leverer alle 17-åringer inn en egenerklæring hvor de blant annet oppgir motivasjon for førstegangstjeneste. I over ti år har disse svarene vist at langt flere menn enn kvinner ...
    • The Motivation to Serve in the Military Among Swedish and Norwegian Soldiers. A Comparative Study 

      Österberg, Johan; Nilsson, Joel; Hellum, Nina (2020)
      The geographic location of Sweden and Norway, combined with a deteriorated security situation in the Nordic Region and a renewed focus on national defense, makes the development of their armed forces a hot topic. In ...
    • Motiver for terroranslag mot norsk oljevirksomhet 

      Kjøk, Åshild (2004)
      This memorandum presents possible motives for terrorism and sabotage against the Norwegian oil industry, and also discusses what tactics and targets would seem more likely. Moreover, the general threat against Norway will ...
    • Mottakerantenner for frekvensbåndet 1 MHz til 30 MHz 

      Prytz, Snorre (2002)
      Several types of antennas for an HF (1 MHZ - 30 MHz) radio intelligence station have been simulated. By dividing the frequency band into two, 1 MHz and 3 MHz to 30 MHz, the required specefication for receving signals over ...
    • MRTD: Man versus machine 

      Rheenen, Arthur Dirk van; Taule, Petter; Thomassen, Jan Brede; Madsen, Eirik Blix (2018)
      We present Minimum-Resolvable Temperature Difference (MRTD) curves obtained by letting an ensemble of observers judge how many of the six four-bar patterns they can “see” in a set of images taken with different bar-to-background ...
    • MRTD: to NUC or not to NUC? 

      Rheenen, Arthur Dirk van; Thomassen, Jan Brede (2020-09-21)
      We applied a simple method to estimate the Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (MRTD) of an LWIR and an MWIR camera. A so-called Siemens star, in our case a thin, black aluminum plate framing a circle that is missing ...
    • Mulige interferenskilder for GPS 

      Øhra, Hans; Kulbotten, Gunnar (2000)
      This report presents possible Norwegian GPS interference sources. A field experiment has been conducted to investigate GPS receivers susceptibility to interference from D-band radars and broadcasting transmitters
    • Mulige russiske reaksjoner på ulike former for NATO-utvidelse 

      Kjølberg, Anders (2002)
      NATO is, for the second time, going to include new members from East-Central Europe. In view of the experiences from the first eastward expansion the possibility of a strong Russian reaction was seen as the main obstacle ...
    • Multi-channel and multi-polarisation ship detection 

      Hannevik, Tonje Nanette (2012)
      Norway's large ocean areas in the North require efficient methods to detect vessels in the High North. Radar satellites in orbit today offer dual- or quad-polarised data, which ease the task of detecting vessels in a SAR ...
    • Multi-gigawatt peak power post-compression in a bulk multi-pass cell at a high repetition rate 

      Raab, Ann-Kathrin; Seidel, Marcus; Guo, Chen; Sytcevich, Ivan; Arisholm, Gunnar; L’Huillier, Anne; Arnold, Cord L.; Viotti, Anne-Lise (2022-09-27)
      The output of a 200 kHz, 34 W, 300 fs ytterbium amplifier is compressed to 31 fs with >88% efficiency to reach a peak power of 2.5 GW, which to date is a record for a singlestage bulk multi-pass cell. Despite operation ...
    • Multi-instrument comparisons of D-region plasma measurements 

      Friedrich, Martin; Torkar, Klaus; Hoppe, Ulf-Peter; Bekkeng, Tore Andre; Barjatya, Aroh; Rapp, Markus (2013)
      The ECOMA (Existence and Charge state Of Meteoric dust grains in the middle Atmosphere) series of sounding rocket flights consisted of nine flights with almost identical payload design and flight characteristics. All flights ...
    • Multi-phase performance evaluation for modern minehunting systems 

      Midtgaard, Øivind; Warakagoda, Narada Dilp; Davies, Gary; Connors, Warren A.; Geilhufe, Marc (2019-05-10)
      Many NATO navies are in the process of replacing their dedicated minehunting vessels with systems of heterogeneous, unmanned modules. While traditional ship-based assets prosecute sonar contacts in sequence through to ...
    • Multi-topology routing - QoS functionality and results from CoNSIS field experiment 

      Brose, Margrete Allern; Hauge, Mariann; Voldhaug, Jan Erik; Sander, Jostein (2013-02-11)
      This report describes the major contributions of FFI project 1175 to the multinational research project CoNSIS (Coalition Networks for Secure Information Sharing). Norway, France, Germany and the United States participated ...
    • Multi-watt, multi-octave, mid-infrared femtosecond source 

      Seidel, Marcus; Xiao, Xiao; Hussain, Syed A.; Arisholm, Gunnar; Hartung, Alexander; Zawilski, Kevin T.; Schunemann, Peter; Habel, Florian; Trubetskov, Michael; Pervak, Vladimir; Pronin, Oleg; Krausz, Ferenc (2018)
      Spectroscopy in the wavelength range from 2 to 11 μm (900 to 5000 cm−1) implies a multitude of applications in fundamental physics, chemistry, as well as environmental and life sciences. The related vibrational transitions, ...
    • Multiband Passive Bistatic Radar Coherent Range and Doppler-Walk Compensation 

      Olsen, Karl Erik; Christiansen, Jonas Myhre (2015)
      The work simulates the performance of a coherent Passive Bistatic Radar multiband processing algorithm. The aim of the work is to present improved range resolution by coherently combine non-adjacent DVB-T channels, while ...
    • Multibeam Echosounder With Orthogonal Waveforms: Feasibility and Potential Benefits 

      Blachet, Antoine; Austeng, Andreas; Aparicio, Joaquin; Hunter, Alan Joseph; Hansen, Roy Edgar (2021-04-15)
      Modern multibeam echosounders (MBE) employ frequency-division techniques (FDT) to ensonify multiple sectors within the same ping cycle. This leads to improved performance in coverage rate, and yaw and pitch stabilization. ...
    • Multichannel open tubular enzyme reactor online coupled with mass spectrometry for detecting ricin 

      Brandtzaeg, Ole Kristian; Røen, Bent Tore; Enger, Siri; Lundanes, Elsa; Wilson, Steven Ray Haakon (2017)
      For counterterrorism purposes, a selective nano liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (nanoLC-MS) platform was developed for detecting the highly lethal protein ricin from castor bean extract. Manual sample preparation ...
    • Multifunctional numerical tool for penetration analysis 

      Teland, Jan Arild (2002)
      An advanced analytical/numerical tool for calculating penetration of rigid projectiles into various materials is described. The program is based on cavity expansion theory (CET) and is a further development of an earlier ...
    • Multimodal change monitoring using multitemporal satellite images 

      Datta, Urmila (2021-09-12)
      The main objective of this study is to monitor the land infrastructure growth over a period of time using multimodality of remote sensing satellite images. In this project unsupervised change detection analysis using ITPCA ...