Now showing items 81-90 of 94
VoluViz 1.0 report
VoluViz is a direct volume rendering application based on SGI's OpenGL Volumizer 2 and OpenGL, and is designed
for interactive viewing of three-dimensional volume data. Its features include trilinear interpolation, ...
Rett til sjølvforsvar mot terrorgrupper? - oversyn over enkelte problemstillingar og argument
This brief report aims to present right of self-defence against terrorist groups, e.g. in a situation where terrorist groups
are based on the territory of a collapsed state. The scope of the report is limited to the main ...
Radardekningssimulator - fysikk
Project 726 has developed a multistatic radar coverage prediction tool for frequencies above 100MHz. Various physical
effects such as reflection, diffraction, refraction, attenuation due to precipitation and atmospheric ...
Polarization dependence in CHESS fiber optic strain monitoring system based on fiber Bragg gratings
This report describes the polarization dependence in the hull monitoring system CHESS, developed in FFI project
79301 CHESS II. The report describes the polarization behaviour of some main components in the system, ...
Cavity expansion theory applied to the penetration of high speed spheres into weak targets
As a first attempt at identifying a tissue model for use in wound ballistic simulations a study of the deceleration of spherical steel projectiles in soap has been carried out. Experimental data were compared to numerical ...
En studie av "kaosmakt" - Russland og Vesten etter Berlin-murens fall
A country characterized by internal disorder and lack of state authority may under certain circumstances exert some influence internationally precisely because of its weaknesses. This kind of “negative power” or “chaos ...
Atommateriale, gass og mikrober som terrorvåpen? - en undersøkelse av terrorgruppers interesse for og bruk av ikke-konvensjonelle våpen
This report analyses empirical evidence of terrorist and rebel groups’ efforts at acquiring and using chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) substances as ‘weapons’. The significant technical and ...
Rapid Autodyn-3D penetration simulations using a virtual target
By taking advantage of the possibilities for developing user subroutines in Autodyn-3D, we implement a method that
uses a virtual target to decrease runtimes for 3D problems by several orders of magnitude. The new method ...
Metoder for retningsbestemmelse av radarsignaler
This report deals with some basic concepts within the realms of radar signal direction finding. The purpose of the report
is to provide a brief reference to the most common methods and create a starting point for the ...
Oversikt over europeisk romværvirksomhet
During the last few years there has been a general increase of interest in space weather. Very likely this is related to the
increasing understanding of the potential damage such processes can inflict on modern technological ...