Now showing items 1-10 of 65
Risikovurdering av sjøforurensninger
A risk assessment guideline has been developed for marine or freshwater pollution. Generic criteria for “worst case” situations have been calculated for sediment, water and biota. For situations other than “worst case” a ...
Sårbarhet i kraftforsyningens drifts- og styringssystemer
This report presents a short overview of the results from the study of the vulnerability of the information systems in the Norwegian electric power system to physical, electromagnetic and logical threats. Generally, ...
Ammunisjon med utarmet uran : bakgrunn og virkninger
The report initially discusses the physical properties of depleted uranium and the uses of this material. Weapons applications are presented in detail. This is followed by an extensive discussion of possible health effects ...
En modell for sikkerhetstenkning etter den kalde krigen
This report presents a theoretical framework for studying international politics in the euro-atlantic area after the end of the cold war. A centrepiece in this analysis is a so-called ‘dual model’ consisting of a ...
HF NVIS kommunikasjon - kanalkarakteristikk på høye breddegrader
The HF DAMSON (Doppler And Multipath SOunding Network) was operated on two NVIS (Near Vertical Incidence
Skywave) paths in northern Scandinavia during two measurement campaigns in October 1999 and March 2000,
respectively. ...
An automatic station for measurement of meteorological parameters and thermal signatures
Two measuring stations have been established - the purpose being to collect comprehensive databases of thermal
signatures of background elements together with the prevailing meteorological conditions. The databases ...
Testing of pyrotechnic compositions in closed vessel
In MP (multipurpose) munitions the nose cap is filled with a pyrotechnic composition that, when it sees certain stimuli, ignite and start burning. This burning is important for how the munitions will function. Compositions ...
Digitalt kalibrerte radarmålinger med usynkronisert sender og mottaker
The report describes a signal processing algorithm used on radar data collected from a unsynchronized radar system. The algorithm makes corrections for the missing synchronization between transmitter and receiver, and has ...
Kartlegging av miljøgifter i fregatten KNM Stavanger - miljøgifter i maling
FFI has in cooperation with SFK selected the frigate KNM Stavanger for assessment of products and materials for content of toxic chemicals, which will be of concern at disposal. This report presents results after assessment ...