Now showing items 11-20 of 65
Målinger av akselerasjoner på stridsbåt 90N
Rapporten beskriver målinger og analyser av akselerasjoner på Stridsbåt 90N foretatt vinteren og sommeren 2001.
Akselerasjonsnivåene som er observert er sammenholdt med grenseverdier for akselerasjonsbelastninger i ...
Terrorism and oil - an explosive mixture? - a survey of terrorist and rebel attacks on petroleum infrastructure 1968-1999
This report presents an overview of terrorist and rebel attacks against petroleum production infrastructure during the past three decades. It aims at providing an empirical basis for the development of scenarios for long-term ...
Thermal effects in end-pumped solid state lasers - influence on resonator stability, beam quality, and output power
A theoretical analysis is given of the magnitudes of thermal effects in end-pumped high-power solid state lasers, and
their influence on the laser output characteristics, particularly the beam quality and conversion ...
Decontamination of NBC-protective garments - part 3: laundering of NM143 suits and effect of storage conditions
The NM143 NBC-protective suit used by the Norwegian armed forces has been examined with respect to the feasibility of decontamination by laundering, effect of storage conditions and lifetime. Protective properties were ...
Målinger av hastighetsfelter i flygenererte virvler nær hus under innflyvningstraseen ved Kjevik flyplass
Winds caused by aircraft generated vortices are measured close to a roof in the approach to Kjevik airport. It is reported that aircraft vortices have caused tiles to fall down from roofs. In this report measurements of ...
Arkitekturar og standardar for drift og styring av kommunikasjonsnett
The report reviews present architectures and standards for network management. It especially investigates the context and structure of management information as well as the information exchange in network management systems ...
Forslag til funksjonsapparat for fremtidig bruk av radarsatellitter i base- og havneovervåkning
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images can be used to detect changes at the Earth surface over time. This
makes it possible to follow construction work development and activities in bases and harbours. This report
describes ...
Menneskelige faktorer i strid
This report is, with emphasis on military operations, a survey of the publicly available literature on the effects on humans of sleep deprivation, starvation, dehydration, fatigue and mental reactions to combat. It was ...
Kostnadsberegning av forsvarsstrukturer ved hjelp av KOSTMOD - forslag til forbedring av verktøy og arbeidsprosess
This report describes key improvements needed for the structure simulation model KOSTMOD, a database software
tool developed at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment to estimate future expenditures of military ...
Requirements on submarine combat system architecture
The use of commercial off-the shelf (COTS) technologies in submarine combat systems introduce inherent and
accidental risks for serious failure to meet functional requirements. This has been the experience of the last ...