Now showing items 1718-1737 of 2875

    • New multilateral approaches solving the nuclear energy dispute with Iran 

      Heireng, Hege Schultz; Moezzi, Maryam (2010-12-30)
      The focus of this report is on possible multilateral approaches for cooperation with Iran on the nuclear fuel cycle. The aim is to contribute in finding diplomatic solutions to the Iranian nuclear dispute. The proposals ...
    • A new standard for predicting lung injury inflicted by Friedlander blast waves 

      van der Voort, M.M.; Holm, Knut B.; Kummer, P.O.; Teland, Jan Arild; van Doormal, J.C.A.M.; Dijkers, H.P.A. (2016)
      An important blast injury mechanism is the rupture of the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract. In explosives safety studies and threat analysis the empirical model of Bowen is often used to quantify this mechanism. The ...
    • Next generation base defense system 

      Unknown author (Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2023-03)
      How autonomy and new technology can improve security at military bases and civilian facilities. Sist oppdatert mars 2023.
    • No Country for Old Men? Increasing the Retirement Age in the Norwegian Armed Forces 

      Hanson, Torbjørn; Lindgren, Petter Y. (2020-05-25)
      Ageing workforces due to low fertility rates and higher life expectancies challenge modern industrialized economies. In order to secure economic welfare and to balance public budgets, governments worldwide implement reforms ...
    • Noen konsepter for datafusjon for undervannsakustisk sensornettverk 

      Korsnes, Reinert (2009)
      Denne rapporten beskriver prinsipper for tracking av fartøyer som passerer et undervannsakustisk sensornettverk hvor nodene maler retninger til lyd. Dataene fra nodene kan inkludere målefeil og tvetydigheter. Estimater ...
    • Noen lærdommer fra en modellerings- og simuleringsaktivitet i prosjekt 795 "Nye fregatter" 

      Andås, Harald Erik; Langset, Frode (2004)
      This report summarises some of the lessons learned in FFI's project 795 “New frigates”, focusing on the ASW analysis.
    • Noen spesielle teknologiområder 

      Skogen, Erling (red) (Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2006)
      Helt fra 1950 hadde instituttet et glassblåserverksted for fremstilling av apparatur for kjemilaboratoriene. Glassblåserverkstedet ble etter hvert et velutstyrt glassteknologisk laboratorium med flere spesialiteter. Allerede ...
    • Noen teknologiske betraktninger om nyere fredsoperasjoner 

      Marthinussen, Elin (2007)
      Prosjektet Teknologi og forsvar etter 2014 (Tek14) ved Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) har som formål å vurdere langsiktige utviklingstrekk av militærteknologisk art og belyse mulige konsekvenser for fremtidens ...
    • Noise emission data for M109, 155 mm field howitzer 

      Huseby, Morten (2007)
      This report is part of an effort to improve the ability of the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency to assess noise pollution from ring ranges. Here we analyze results from measurements done near Hjerkinn 21st of September ...
    • Noise mapping with the PE method - a case study from interior Norway 

      Waagan, Knut (2015-10-13)
      The Norwegian Armed Forces presently use the software Milnoise for mapping acoustic noise from their shooting- and practice ranges. Research and development on computational methods for outdoor sound propagation have ...
    • Noise near the shooter's ear using plastic short range training ammunition and plastic blank ammunition 

      Huseby, Morten (2016-02-02)
      This report is a delivery to Nammo Bakelittfabrikken AS. It documents that NM250 plastic short range training ammunition and NM226F1 plastic blank ammunition make less noise at the shooter’s ear than ball ammunition in ...
    • Non-destructive testing of graphene/epoxy composites using terahertz waves 

      Author::Rheenen, Arthur D. Van; Author::Johnsen, Bernt Brønmo; Author::Haakestad, Magnus (2018-10-18)
      Earlier experiments have shown that composites that include carbon fibers can exhibit significant transmission of Terahertz (THz) waves, in spite of the good electrical conductivity of carbon fibers. This observation ...
    • Non-destructive testing of graphene/epoxy composites using THz waves 

      Haakestad, Magnus W.; Johnsen, Bernt Brønmo; Dam, Anh Hoang; Mastin, Johann Roland M; Eid, Michel; Rheenen, Arthur Dirk van (2018-10-05)
      In earlier experiments [1] we found there was significant transmission of THz radiation through carbon-fiber enforced composites, despite that fact that the dc conductivity of the carbon fibers is expected to be good and ...
    • Non-destructive testing/inspection of composite materials - acoustic impact testing, TV holography and shearography 

      Kvalbein, Martine; Thorvaldsen, Tom (2012-07-04)
      This report provides an introduction to three different non-destructive testing/inspection (NDT/NDI) methods applicable for damage detection in composite materials. A lot of techniques have been developed for metals. ...
    • Non-lethal weapons and international humanitarian law 

      Nystuen, Gro (2008)
      This report evaluates the possible use of non-lethal weapons in the light of international treaty law and customary law pertaining to the legality of various kinds of weapons. The purpose is to determine to which extent ...
    • A non-singular horizontal position representation 

      Gade, Kenneth (2010-07-03)
      Position calculations, e.g. adding, subtracting, interpolating, and averaging positions, depend on the representation used, both with respect to simplicity of the written code and accuracy of the result. The latitude/longitude ...
    • Nord-Koreas kjernevåpenprogram 

      Kippe, Halvor (2003)
      There is little doubt that North Korea has ambitions for developing nuclear weapons. The incidents in the period of October 2002 and throughout the spring of 2003 have severely strengthened the international community’s ...
    • Nordisk materiellsamarbeid : muligheter og utfordringer for norsk forsvarsindustri 

      Willassen, Einar; Ali, Shahzad (2010-02)
      Forsvarssjefene i de nordiske landene har gjentatte ganger pekt på utfordringene ved å opprett-holde en vedtatt struktur på sikt og understreket betydningen av nordisk samarbeid og de kostnadsbesparelser det kan medføre. ...
    • Norge - en motvillig europeer i nord 

      Knutsen, Bjørn Olav Haram; Steinveg, Beate (2023-03-23)
      Denne artikkelen spør hva Norge, som et lite land utenfor EU, kan gjøre for å styrke sin posisjon som en viktig aktør i nordområdene. Russlands angrep på Ukraina og en tiltakende arbeidsdeling mellom EU og Nato for ...
    • Norges sikkerhetstilstand – en årsaksanalyse av mangelfull forebyggende sikkerhet 

      Heireng, Hege Schultz; Elgsaas, Ingvill Moe (2014-09-04)
      Nasjonal sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM) har i en årrekke rapportert at Norges sikkerhetstilstand er lite tilfredsstillende, og i de senere år har gapet mellom truslene vi står overfor og tiltakene som er ment å beskytte oss mot ...