Browsing Rapporter by Author "Thorvaldsen, Tom"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
COMPACT project - hydro burst testing of impact damaged four-inch pressure vessels
Thorvaldsen, Tom; Larsen, Helge Roar; Olsen, Torbjørn (2013-09-20)Twelve four-inch pressure vessels made of carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) have been produced at FFI. The applied material system is a carbon fibre reinforced prepreg system, TCR UF3325-95/M30SC. The vessels have ... -
Dynamic mechanical analysis : theoretical considerations on mechanical properties
Osnes, Harald; Thorvaldsen, Tom (2011-09-19)English summary Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a technique used to study and characterize materials. In the test method, small test specimens, or beams, are typically subjected to harmonic, three-point bending ... -
Experiences from ultrasound testing - Olympus Omniscan MX and DolphiCam CF08/DF16
Jones, Tyler P.; Thorvaldsen, Tom (2016-01-08)Modern military platforms, such as the NH90 helicopter and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, consist of a large percentage of light-weight materials, such as composites. New materials require new and different techniques ... -
A model study of the effective Young´s modulus for randomly distributed short-fiber composites
Thorvaldsen, Tom (2011-01-25)This report provides an overview of a set of macro-mechanical models for the effective Young’s modulus of short fiber composites. Various models are found in the literature with varying complexity, ranging from simple rule ... -
Modelling of a thin-walled filament-wound composite cylinder using an axisymmetric approach
Thorvaldsen, Tom; Osnes, Harald (2011-03-30)In this report, finite element analyses (FEA) are preformed for a thin-walled filament-wound composite cylinder exposed to an inner pressure load. Analyses are run for an open cylinder, as well as for a closed cylinder. ... -
Modelling the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites using interphase models
Thorvaldsen, Tom (2015-06-15)This report describes mathematical modelling of the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites, which in this context is referred to as particles of nano-size included in a polymer matrix, i.e. particles with one dimension of ... -
Modelling the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites using the Mori-Tanaka method
Thorvaldsen, Tom (2015-06-19)This report describes mathematical modelling of the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites, which in this context is referred to as particles of nano-size included in a polymer matrix, i.e. particles with one dimension of ... -
Modelling the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites using three-phase models
Thorvaldsen, Tom (2015-06-15)This report describes mathematical modelling of the elastic stiffness of nanocomposites, which in this context is referred to as particles of nano-size included in a polymer matrix, i.e. particles with one dimension of ... -
Non-destructive testing/inspection of composite materials - acoustic impact testing, TV holography and shearography
Kvalbein, Martine; Thorvaldsen, Tom (2012-07-04)This report provides an introduction to three different non-destructive testing/inspection (NDT/NDI) methods applicable for damage detection in composite materials. A lot of techniques have been developed for metals. ... -
Numerical modeling of single-layered piezoelectric elements
Thorvaldsen, Tom (2007)The focus of this report is on numerical simulation of piezoelectric materials. One example of such a material is quartz. By applying a pressure load to a piezoelectric material, electricity is generated – the so-called ... -
Python-basert verktøy for analyse av resultater fra strekkmaskintester
Engebretsen, Solveig; Thorvaldsen, Tom; Sagsveen, Bendik (2012-10-22)Denne rapporten er en brukermanual for analyse av tester utført på strekkmaskinen av typen MTS 810. Rapporten inneholder informasjon om hvordan man installerer Python-programvare som er nødvendig for å kjøre analysene, ...