Now showing items 31-40 of 84
Scenarioklasser i Forsvarsstudie 2007 - en morfologisk analyse av sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer mot Norge
En sentral dimensjon ved forsvarsplanleggingen er hvilke militære utfordringer Forsvaret vil kunne bli stilt overfor i fremtiden. Denne rapporten analyserer dette ved å se på det overordnede sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringsspektrum ...
Weapons of mass destruction free zones in the Middle East
The Middle East is the only region in the world where weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have been used after 1945.
There have been some efforts to establish weapon of mass destruction free zones (WMDFZ) in the region, but ...
Arbeider med HTCE
Various polymer matrices intended for future application in rocket propellants were prepared and characterized. All
samples were based on the prepolymer hydroxyl terminated poly-caprolactone ether (HTCE) which was cured ...
Experiment report: "Secure SOA supporting NEC" - NATO CWID 2006
During NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) 2006 the Norwegian Defence
Research Establishment (FFI) conducted the experiment “Secure SOA supporting NEC”. This document
gives an overview of the ...
Undervannsdeteksjon med aktiv EM : beregninger i forenklet miljø
A new system for detection of underwater targets by use of electromagnetic waves is considered. Extremely low
frequency electromagnetic waves can be transmitted between transmitter and receiver arrays. Any target moving ...
Waziristan - impact on the Taliban insurgency and the stability of Pakistan
This report takes a closer look at the struggles currently taking place in the Federal Administered
Tribal Areas of Pakistan, bordering with Afghanistan. It provides an overview of some of the
militant factions who are ...
Nettverksbasert logistikk (Total Assett Visibility) - teknologiinnspill til FS 07
The scope of FFI project TEK14 is to identify technologies that will shape tomorrow’s battle field. This report is one of
20 reports adressing important technologies thought to have a major impact on the development of ...
Sensitivity of LYBINs transmission loss due to variations in sound speed
This study is motivated by the Sea Acceptance Test 2 (SAT2) to be made sometime in 2006. The testing of the new Norwegian Frigates sonar system will involve use of the acoustic ray trace model, LYBIN.
The study reveals ...
Saudi militants in Iraq - backgrounds and recruitment patterns
Denne korte rapporten tar for seg nærværet av saudiske militante i den irakiske
opprørsbevegelsen. Den besvarer fire spørsmål: Hvilke saudiere reiser til Irak? Hvorfor reiser de?
Hvordan kommer de seg dit? Og hvilken ...
Oppvarming av litium- og litiumionceller
Lithium cells may for safety purposes be equipped with safety vents, shut down separators and various types of fuses. In
this work lithium primary cells, lithium ion cells and a lithium ion polymer battery block have been ...